
This is where you do all that plus find a good lawyer for the civil suit that will bankrupt that asshole. And the company. Which I would like to avoid because one guy’s Sad Trombone Boner apparently rules all the fucking policy/promotion decisions so if you happen to mention its name we’re good.

Mr. Bells is a game programmer, and I am pretty sure he went to work today without brushing his hair. He did wear a polo shirt, though, so they might think he’s looking for a new job.

Is there where I get to complain about how *after* I quit my job at Bank of America, I found out I was blocked from a promotion because, despite my boss, his boss, and several peers recommending me enthusiastically, the boss above them had an uncomfortable boner for me and said my attire was inappropriate?

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”

I have about 10 tops i switch out. Same tops all the time. I switch between wearing skinny slacks with them and skirts, about 50/50. Never fails that when I wear the skirt someone will comment on how dressed up I am.

I wear dresses, leggings, and flats because they are easier to put on. A couple of months ago my coworker asked if I constantly wore dresses as a “religious thing” which I found odd because the dresses I wear aren’t very conservative. Her eyebrows reached a new level when I explained that I do it because it is

I am 27 and have basically given up on heels cuz fuckkkk that noise.

Nope. Different brands calculate it differently. There is no One True Bra Size.

It’s not something I’d actually do...but you bring up an interesting thought about them drawing their gun first. This is my vigilante fantasy but the reality is that in order for them to get the jump on me with their gun, they would have had to train harder than I had as a police officer. Kinda doubtful if we’re

15-25? That’s disturbing.

Yup. According to some statistical studies (and Bill Bryson in his book The Lost Continent) there’s a consistent ratio of 15-25 serials operating in America (and extrapolating, Canada as well) at any given time. They just travel around and pick off victims who appear, and rightly so, to be uncared for by the state

The theory I’m familiar with its that it’s multiple long haul truckers. There is little-to-no public transit and a lot of poverty up there so for a lot of folks, unfortunately, hitchhiking is the only way to get around. Especially for youth going from town to reserve and back.

You are 100% correct. And those who are saying that he “walked back his statements” are 100% incorrect. We actually don’t know what his statements were.

I thought he was pretty clear in the original interview that he wasn’t talking about things that had happened to him, but things that had happened to other child actors he had worked with or been friends with. It’s sad that he has to re-clarify that. Stupid Internet.