
Please make kara your travellimg sports reporter.

I love Groot, but this is 100% correct.

sounds like your decision is between a Rock and a hard place...

Remember to call from a safe phone. One the abuser doesn’t have access to. Even deleting a number from a call log leaves it on your bill.

1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

Shhh. He’s white, male, and rich. His once bright future has now been tarnished due to this silly business. Hasn’t he suffered enough?!

I wouldn’t mind it if she left her hair natural more often instead of styling the fuck out of it:

I like her, too. I’m sorry to say that when she first arrived on the scene I wrote her off as an Ultimate Grand Supreme winner from Toddlers and Tiaras. But she’s super talented, and funny, and a feminist, and if your worst scandal is licking a donut and saying “I hate America”, you’re not doing too bad! Most days I

She’s so pretty and her voice is so pretty and she has so. much. hair. and she’s funny and irreverent.

I know this is true, but can’t remember why - what’s he done to deserve that title? Like I say, I’m not doubting you, I know in my bones he’s a douchebag...

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

Terrence Howard is a garbage person and I hope this ends badly for him

I wish he would get fired from Empire. He doesn't deserve to maintain a career.

Former actress here. Oh, do they exist. They aren’t even rare.

i am such a sucker. i hate fight song, and i hate “america is the greatest country in the world!!!!!!!!!” stuff, but at the DNC i EAT THAT SHIT UP AND LOVE IT!!!!!!!! (also the olympics lol)

Man, I’ve always switched the station when “Fight Song” comes on the radio, but I finally watched that video they made today and I was tearing up and goosebumping like crazy at my desk.

Last night, my own mother said aloud in my presence that Hillary Clinton never wears dresses because, “She has the ugliest legs. She has cankles.” Once I picked my jaw up off the floor, I told her that, fortunately, the attractiveness of one’s legs is not a trait I care about in my government leaders.

The blood is all over Gawker Media’s hands for stoking the hatred of Hillary for the last year.