
God I hope so. But I know a lot of people who are on the “the system is rigged, the election was a fraud! elect bernie! Elect 3rd party candidates!” bandwagon.

This is weird, and bad, but remember, people who go to conventions are weird, and bad, and are completely unlike general election voters!

I want to break shit. Combined with current polling and Nate Silver saying an election today would lead to a Trump victory I just. Don't. Get It.

I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.

I usually get annoyed by Bill Maher, but this was discussed on his show. How Mike Pence ALLOWED this to happen while Indiana was under his watch. This is who our VP will be, people. This person, who denied women of his state the right to make decisions about their own reproductive rights. So much so that this woman

So she’s still a convicted felon for having a miscarriage? Not feeling too much relief with this new sliding scale of “good news” we’ve got going on lately.

We always have, if this is your yard stick.

Less than 100 years women have had the right to vote in this country. Women went to jail and went on hunger strikes for her right to vote, but you know, whatevs. Doesn’t apy to her life now.

I think if you say something like this

I feel the same way, especially when women tell me that they aren’t voting.

I got into a HUGE fight with my husband about his not voting in our last election. I don’t care if all the candidates suck and the game is rigged, blah blah blah. People have fought and died to gain the right to vote and an imperfect democracy is better than none at all (not to mention that complainers are rarely

I know Taylor swift is cringey as fuck but my god “DJ Adam Calvin Harris Wiles” is a high octane cocktail of uncool, and these faux-adult tweets r lame.

Why are we team “dude whining about his breakup with a famous person on a public platform?” He just sounds annoying.

I mean, he was going to massage parlors and cheating so it’s not like he’s got some moral highground. Unless the contract allowed him to cheat, who knows?

Woman writes hit song. Declines to take credit for it until conspiracy theories/obvious logic leads fans/tabloids to the story. Confirms it in one very straightforward sentence because she feels no obligation to protect the fiction she and her ex-boyfriend spun about it. Deserves credit. Did write song.

He is coming off as a gigantic baby at this point.

Jesus, Calvin! Your contract with Taylor ended and she signed a new contract with a more famous celebrity. Time to move on.

This is so stupid and I love it so much.