
You’re definitely stretching the definition of reliable

I worry they won’t give these guys as much time to find the chemistry as they’ve already got a failed TGUS on the books. I was really starting to enjoy the old crew when they were cancelled. Rutledge is still one of my favourite top gear presenters to date US or UK.

In the “Putting an attractive woman in the background of 90% of the shots” category I would put this Top Gear above all others because that Asian lady with the blonde hair was a looker. The show itself? Flat bland and awkward just like every Season 1 Episode 1 of every Top Gear cast to date. I don’t hate anyone right

It’s illegal here too, but it’s also the only place I ever ride my bike. It’s not safe on the road on a motorcycle let alone a bicycle.

Completely warranted *hangs head in shame*

You have a child and you finished a game... everything after that is null and void. It’s going to take me ‘til my youngest’s freshman year at University to finish The Witcher III

I drive an automatic Corolla. So I’m a person who lives in a glass house.

^That was fantastic. Many stars

Crossover huh? You go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done

As a Canadian I can confidently say that I never had an opportunity to buy one cause they were never sold here. So someone cue up the music. Terrance! Phillip! “Should we blame the images on TV? No! Blame America...”

Sometimes I see a funny comment and think “I will inject my own brand of funny as a addendum.” This post requires no such addendum. All the internets to you!

Pssh, Mace: The Dark Ages did this back in the 90s. Come original modders!

I had a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon GT. Not the greatest car in the world but it was a V6 with a 5 speed manual so I rather liked it. It rusted like a beast though, to the point my mechanic said I should get rid of it. My wife’s car was a 2000 Protégé and I we were going to replace that with a Minivan and my Tiburon with

Hey that IMS issue might be the only thing that allows some of us to afford a 911 ;) (Seriously hoping to pick up a 2006-2008 911 Carerra 2). FWIW I believe the 997.2 engine was pretty bulletproof from what I hear.

Interesting it lost me at 4-speed automatic. Then it just goaded me to hate it more and more with each subsequent reveal. Someone should buy it then start a kickstarter for the money they paid in exchange for a live video of them crushing it at a wrecking yard.

so you’re saying the Demon is a halo car? I am so damn confused now.

My wife had a 2000 Mazda Protégé that we picked out together. It was bulletproof, and as compact cars go it was a good car. Then my father-in-law borrowed it one day and drove it into a bus. So he handed his car to my wife... his 2003 Corolla. What I hate most about this car (other than the fact that it handles

I thought the issues with RX-8 swaps wasn’t finding the right engine it was issues with getting wiring harnesses etc... to mate up with the stock components.

My son is doing French immersion (Canada) and I’ve just told him if you don’t know how it’s pronounced say “A” mangER <- monj A, regardé <- regard A, Avez <- Ahv A

In a day and age of milktoast bland crossovers, barely distinguishable sedans and compacts, and “two rectangles humping” pickup trucks I appreciate the desire to just go all-in on the crazy. If you want to dial the crazy down go with black, you want a substantial amount of crazy get white, and if you wanna go full