Grinding My Geertz

Why are so many intelligent comments to this article not showing up, or showing up "in the grey"? I'm fairly new to this whole thing, but it seems kind of ridiculous that there are 50 threads all saying the same thing and getting bumped to the top, but you have to hunt for any mention of problematizing the

Wow, this comment is loaded as shit, dude. "Over population" in 2014 is not exactly a black and white issue. There is debate in the academic community over what "over population" really means. Does it mean that there is not enough physical space for everyone, or is it more a matter of resource allocation? Certainly we

I don't care if GMO's are safe or not. I do care about having 1 company control 90+ percent of the seeds used to grow our food, and having so much control over the government that it can steamroll anyone who raises a concern or dares stand up against them - or even happens to find themselves with accidentally

It seems like the results that I see often have results that GMO foods provide "no greater risk..." than conventional foods. However, I haven't seen where they provide a nutritional advantage over conventional food (assuming conventional means non-GMO). Have any studies been done to compare the nutritional value of

Insert obligatory comment about sweatshops/low international pay here.

This is great - honestly. But as a former hiring manager for a Gap brand - most part timers are brought in at 9, 10 if they negotiate. The symbolism and pressure on competitors is great, but they aren't going to be seeing a significant payroll change which I'm sure is a big reason why they are doing this. Great PR,

I think you really need to problematize the proprietary nature of GMOs. I kept waiting for it, and I'm glad you introduced it at the end, but it isn't just a hypothetical danger. There are cases of lawsuits in Canada and a huge trend of farmer suicides in India that have directly resulted from the aggressive

The issue is not overpopulation or lack of (food) resources, but the distribution of those resources.

The food producers of the world currently produce way more food than the world's population actually needs and we really don't need GMO's. We are trying to create a solution to a problem that really shouldn't exist. We have very inefficient global food import/export practices.

The majority of our waste is not from poor distribution. Its an economic issue, not a production issue.


The world is not headed towards overpopulation. Get out of the 60's and try reading some census data from the last 30 years or so. Population in advanced nations are falling. To the point where there are serious economic consequences like an aging population with fewer workers to support them. Now population is

so because you happened to luck out and be born in the first world, fuck everybody else.

The real problem is the ownership of GMO strains. We are talking about FOOD here. Allowing some corporation to dictate who and what is grown where is a Bad Idea. You think copyright infringement penalties - just wait until you're prosecuted for growing them sweet tomatoes in your backyard.

Perhaps as part of that daily re-writing, the author can elaborate on things like "this is hard" or "this is possible" or "you can too" but until then I've provided the following summary of this article.

There are a lot of words out there. Every day, more arrive. Some are arranged into sentences and some of those sentences make some sense. Sometimes people read them. Maybe people learn something but probably not. After all, there are videos of kittens waiting. Most people will type or think: TLDR and move it along -

Are you stalking me? Because I did this two weeks ago. My husband was like, "that's a lot of hot sauce" and I was like, "I knoooooooooow."

Too bad nobody on the scene had a taser.

This'll deal a devastating blow to Russia's reputiation as a bastion of diversity, tolerance, and civility.