
2 words. Lover’s Lab.

This is why I prefer to tank when doing duties. Ultimately the tank has the most say in when and where you go in the dungeon. If a DD wants to check something out, I can usually bully the healer and other DD into allowing it, or they can try and advance without a tank for a minute.

I like doing extra things, like in

It’s the same scumback tactics as Walmart sub-contracting manufacturers and acting shocked that they are using child labor.

You bought a copy before street date, which is still illegitimate means. You still streamed it before the developer intended it to be available for public consumption. You are still scumbag Kotaku

So you guys got a retailer to break street date as a backdoor way to bypass a review embargo.

Stop acting surprised or upset when developers blacklist you.

I had really hoped that when I heard that there was a Ghostbusters/Twinkie crossover that they were going to release a large maybe caked-sized Twinkie with “That’s a big Twinkie.” on the box.

Hiring? I have heard on 3 different podcasts that Kotaku might be closing up shop. Thanks for crushing my dreams.

I don’t feel like *she* is overpowered. I was not able to just switch to her on a whim and dominate the field. I feel like in the hands of a good player, who takes time to ‘git gud’ with her, she is very powerful.

A lot of people don’t like the shorter fuse on the ult. Again I can say that this requires at least a

Part of the reason I am upset, and a few others I think, is because this is a mount that could easily be a drop from the Extreme variant of the Moogle fight. Same to be said about the Odin mount, it could have been included as part of the EX version of that fight.

My salt is applied like this: If they had also made it

1. Harvest Moon Back to Nature
2. Persona 4
3. Final Fantasy Tactics
4. Bravely Default
5. Turtles in Time
6. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
7. Saints Row 3
8. Artificial Academy 2

The only times I pirate are when I have bought a game on a console where it was originally console only and then was later released on PC. I also pirated Samurai Warriors 4 because I heard how garbage the port controls were and wanted to test it before buying it, it was trash and I uninstalled it after about 15

Would love to see YouTube step up and take this position as well.

Someone should really let Activision know that it is OK for a game to come out a little bit after a movie comes out. They really fumbled with Turtles by forcing Plat to push it out the door in time for the movie release, seems to me that this is another case where it could have been better with more time.

I really liked her potleaf pasties cosplay. I’m sure there is no way that, or any of the other adult-themed stuff she has put on the internet will come up during a campaign.

I always found it weird how you could call it “cosplay” when you just have a similar hairstyle but are completely nude in a shower... the cos- is

“people who liked banging action figures together as a kid” You don’t even KNOW. The sick battles that went down between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Gundams (Wing), and that one time Goku joined in after the Gundams summoned the Megazord, good times.

Kotaku is more about yellow journalism than clickbait.

It is fine anyway, Caliente can’t even create this mod until Fallout 4 adds it in DLC. Isn’t that what you said about mods before Patricia?

Tickets cost more and there are more stupid people on the planet than ever before. It is way easier these days to become a “top-grossing film” while being straight garbage.

Oh nice, people will be able to steal modder content for Skyrim now too. Good to see they aren’t limiting theft to Fallout 4.

It is almost as if a Kotaku writer didn’t do any research before posting something and relied on their misinformation being corrected to get the real story. *shocked*

Astute Kotaku journalism at its finest.