It was interesting watching LBJ call a word foul on “posse” to avoid confronting the long-time (accurate) rumors that his friends are mooches who demand favors. Just shows that Phil isn’t the only one who can play games, heh.
It was interesting watching LBJ call a word foul on “posse” to avoid confronting the long-time (accurate) rumors that his friends are mooches who demand favors. Just shows that Phil isn’t the only one who can play games, heh.
Your whiteness is showing.
“Stick to school, loser! High school sports is the way to make something of your life!”
Seems like the defender won here. After all that, the guy is dribbling in the same place that he started.
What is even going on here? Why not use the cross to blow by him rather than lazily dribble backwards? If this is an end of game situation and he’s just killing clock then surely he’d just foul him, right? I don’t understand any of this.
One of the few courts where being white is a disadvantage.
I do know what it means.
The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.
Tune in to ESPN at 8 PM EST on Saturday to see who gets his room in the Nissan® Heisman House!
Can someone check on Tim Biakabutuka please?
thats Captain Butterscup, to you - he didnt go to the naval academy for four years to be addressed like that.
No kidding, this is only news to city dwellers who never venture far off the lightly salted sidewalks while getting a cappuccino frappuccino latte grande excellante.
For the other 95% of the northern half of the nation, it is indeed, Tuesday. And we have to get to work...
Right but if some guy is banging on your window challenging you to a fight then there is your manslaughter. i.e “you didn’t mean to kill him you just were scared and wanted him away from your car”...not saying thats what happened but Joe McKnight was out of his car in range of this guys window. I don’t think he was…
I’m really getting tired of you posting reasonable comments here. I mean, how are people supposed to be outraged when you’re going around trekking people to wait for evidence? (And yeah, Gasser seems to have a bit of an anger issue...)
Dying on the cross of Mike Brown is a terrible argument to make in regards to justice not being done. The narrative didn’t fit anything in the forensic reports.
Per the forensics, he did not stand over McKnight and shoot him while McKnight was on the ground. The forensics indicate all shots happened while Gasser was in his car.
All the physical evidence supported Darren Wilson’s story. Stop peddling a false narrative.
Well I think it’s a pretty good bet that, sometime after January 20th, during a “routine” traffic stop, the police are going to find 5 keys of pure Colombian big flake “hidden” in the trunk of LeBron’s car.
hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead