
It's sparse, but what's there is good. The atmosphere is spot on, though.

I missed two of the four umbilical cords, ugh. Just beat Amelia in my NG+ though, surprisingly still thoroughly enjoying the game even in a second run.

Loving all the Fire Emblem love.

Feel like the only people talking about discrimination are dudes who are preempting non existent offended minority groups. Also what is up with your keyboard.

Infinite money in Suikoden added enjoyment for me because (a) the game isn't hard so it wasn't a difficulty issue and (b) I got to use more characters just because I had enough to pay to equip them.

I just bought a USB drive so I can save and stop wasting all my fire papers on a boss I'm stuck on. Yet I won't call in another player. Seems like we all gotta make these decisions for ourselves.

Needs more mice.

That's a surprise. I liked it on Vita, maybe they'll use the PS4 controller's touch pad more? It's barely used in most games.

Also: There's different music, you have weird GFs (Leviathan I think,) Quistis and Selphie aren't there. There's also different lighting, much like FFXIII's demo.

Set to download this morning, can't wait to get home and play after work. Also enjoying Type-0 a lot, played it last night since SE sent my pre-order a day early.

It's really simple, don't buy the game if you don't think it's worth $50.

Awesome, I was getting worried it wasn't coming because it had been a few months since Japan's release. I really enjoyed the first Untold.

I just started back playing WoW a bit. Bought a Gameboy advance last month so going to play Golden Sun on it aaaaaand I'm super pumped for FF Type-0.

I'm prayin' and wishin' and hopin' for a March 2016 release. A year from demo to actual product seems reasonable to me.

The combat has been turn based in some of them, but since ten that hasn't been a set rule. 11 and 14 are online games, so they're not turn based. 12 had sort of a pseudo-MMO set up, but instead of controlling each character you set up parameters (like, ally: if character is poisoned, use antidote.) 13 was an active

it just came out last year so you're not too far behind. :P

That dragoon is on point.

How'd you like God Emperor? It's rather different than the rest of them, but it's my favorite in the series.

Right now I'm reading Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Murakami. I'm enjoying it, though the only novel I had read by him before was 1Q84 and this one seems much less in the vein of magical realism. It has nice pacing and I find that I really care about the main character's troubles.

Tenten got pushed so far back into the supporting cast shadows that I don't even really remember any of her battles. Neji has a bunch of the more iconic battles throughout the series, though.