Looks like they're making that Alisha DLC free for part of February to "celebrate the 20th anniversary." I wonder if it will come with the American release...
Looks like they're making that Alisha DLC free for part of February to "celebrate the 20th anniversary." I wonder if it will come with the American release...
This sounds appealing to me, but I'm a big fan of Etrian Odyssey. Difficult JRPGs do it for me.
On one hand, I'm upset with Best Buy and Nintendo for screwing it up. On the other, I got a PS TV for ten dollars after the $50 credit from Best Buy and playing Persona 3 on it has been glorious.
I downloaded Godus and played it for a while and, to me, it seems a lot better than most f2p games out there. I might be easy to please or just have low expectations for games on my phone, but I certainly wouldn't describe Godus as awful or evil.
I'm playing the P3P version, switching it up between playing on my Vita and PS TV depending what I'm in the mood for.
I don't dislike the social links stuff, I love it when I'm interested. I just don't like that twerp who is obsessed with his teacher. Or my sports friend who needs to stop working out so damn much because he keeps getting injured. My only issue is that I feel like it doesn't do a good job simulating because those…
I'm barreling through 3, but I have a high tolerance for some level of repetitiveness. I am kind of playing through with the good will and knowledge that 4 is probably a lot better. Not going to move on before I beat it though because I might never come back.
I like it a lot, but it's different than I expected. I'm playing the portable version which cuts out some of the more annoying stuff. I find the dungeon crawling and monster hunting really satisfying, but the high school simulation aspects are hit and miss for me. Some of the plot lines I'm really into and some I…
It was such a good trailer. I had never played a Persona game (though I've played Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga,) but I bought 3 right after seeing the trailer and I'm already halfway through. Going to play 4 next.
That's true. Honestly, the games I choose to play lean heavily Japanese. I do normally have some understanding of how well a game was received before I choose to pre-order it. The only Japanese games that get simultaneous release are usually ones where the quality can be assumed (like Pokemon.)
Because some pre-orders are really cool? I definitely go for the ones that come with physical stuff, like the figurines that come with Zelda games. Just pre-ordered FF Type-0, I have a weakness to steel boxes.
This has jumped from irritating to comically ridiculous for me. Hand over the popcorn.
Mmph menu porn. I love well designed menu screens.
Those menu screens look gorgeous.
Cillian Murphy looks practically ageless. I have remaining hopes.
Wasn't there a Tron 3 planned? Did I make that up in my head? What's up with the weird time gap in movies from that era? See you in 20whenever Tron 3 and Avatar 2.
Sounds difficult to implement. Most trolls are resilient enough to keep on trolling through new accounts. Scattershot troll policing is about as effective as scattershot piracy policing.
Still have my fifty dollar credit from Majora's Mask screw up. $10 playstation TV? Yes, please.
Still have my fifty dollar credit from Majora's Mask screw up. $10 playstation TV? Yes, please.
Missing Ozymandias from Watchmen. And I'm not really sure where I'd put him on the good-bad scale, so it'd be interesting to see him on here.
I'm super excited for this. I just got into this genre of adventure games recently, played The Walking Dead season 1 and the first episode of Borderlands last month. Concept of this one is intriguing, I'm interested to see how the camera comes into play.