
Another pickup truck. Ya ya, blah blah blah. Can we talk about this stuff now?


But did you get it running and drive it to Moab?

Undiscussed (but probably uncontroversial?) Opinion: VIDEO GAMES SHOULD NOT HAVE “CREDITS” LIKE MOVIES DO.

As someone who has also worked in business software, at one point I wished there would be a way to roll the credits so that people could see that I worked on it, but then I realized that I didn’t want someone somewhere seeing my name and thinking that they could contact me for tech support or complaints because the

No one asked James Cameron to spend the rest of his life making Avatar sequels, but here we are.

Movies used to have this problem, quite some time ago. You know how they fixed it?

Tron Legacy was excellent even with the questionable de-aging CGI and Tron Uprising was brilliant tie-in.

I liked Tron Legacy and I don’t care who knows it.

Jamie McMurray. He won Busch races with mid-field equipment. When given championship-caliber equipment in Cup (in 2002), he won in his second start. Unfortunately, 2002 was the last year Chip Ganassi Racing actually *had* championship-caliber equipment. He should have made the playoffs in his sophomore season but

uh oh, they were caught. time to fire some HR people and buy a few more lawyers and judges.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

No there are 3 groups:

- normal people who think it’s nice he was able to buy a house in the city he lives in and understand how much money he makes because it’s been transparent the whole time.

- always online parasocial leftist weirdos who feel like they can dictate how and where he lives his life (he doesn’t know who

At the least, Humankind won’t have to deal as much with constant comments and tweets about the inclusion of female leaders, the presence of a random nationality, or the historical accuracy of unit/perk/trait X.

So Gandhi won’t be trying to nuke everybody in this game?

Also I don’t want a Lambo to do 7 minute Nuremburg laps. I want a Lambo for fricken laser beams and wings and god damn geometry. Being fast is important, but being ostentatious is key. To me, this is a step in the right direction. Bring us more absurdity in car form Lambo!

It’s a damn fine-looking car; has this Phil douche even seen a modern Lamborghini? Those fucking things are absolutely covered in wings and vents! This looks like Lambo stuck to the fundamentals. It’s a nice, clean design.

Just pull the dorky rubber bumpers and go rallying

Wait, Unfriended became unwatchable AFTER the pandemic?!

Asmongold and his lemmings are not “the World of Warcraft community.