
While it was an 800cc boxer derived, basically, by splitting a Volkswagen air-cooled flat-four in half,

How could a Gurgel NOT be water cooled?

A friend of mine back in the 90's had a garage full of old English cars. He had an XKE, a Tiger, and a couple of Alpines. He couldn’t resist buying them if he found them cheap enough. None of them were driveable.

Yeah, those are way cool. Prices are going up, but still an order of magnitude less than a Cobra.

So is that your actual car, or is just the default screen when you enter your car’s make as “Alfa Romeo”?

Shorty crowbar.

Sorry, but it’s the Sabinering now. 

What corner? The entire thing should be renamed! I can’t write anything or think about her without crying a little. She wasn’t just a motorsports icon but royalty!!

Best reaction I’ve read so far: “Sabine Schmitz isn’t gone, she’s just one lap ahead.”

When I saw the title of the article, I was sad. When I read that is was a long struggle with cancer, I was more sad.

In her 1st appearance on Top Gear, as she’s showing Jeremy the track, she says “we’re approaching the Karussell” and then jokingly crosses herself. Some may call it blasphemy, but I’m in favor of renaming it the “Schmitz Karussell” since it’s one of the most famous corners on the circuit, and she is arguably one of

What do you think the chances are that those safety chains weren’t from Harbor Freight? 

Not even gonna mince words, I feel like I’ve been crushing on Sabine for like 15 years now. Nothing put a smile on my face more than hearing that classic maniacal laugh of hers in whatever episode of Top Gear she showed up in, because you knew that episode was about to be taken to the next level.

All of the hosts,

NEVER thought I would see the words “Concorde” and “museum quality” in the same sentence!

I thought he was preparing to portray John Huston in some upcoming biopic.

Admittedly, TG was also better when we thought Clarkson was just playing the part of a douchewaffle for the show. When it turned out that he actually *is* a raging asshole who treats people like shit, it got a little less funny.

Let’s not.

We should all check in on old folks from time to time, he could have taken a bad fall or something.

put the shrimp and butter on top of the fries, eat w/hands, take the plate and in the shower with you to clean everything up 

I want to buy it and name it Fietro.