
Can't have one without the other.

This one had an immeasurable impact on me as a 13-year-old.

This is the correct answer.

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The Mother of all Makeovers!

Let's definitely agree that Robert Charles Wilson deserves more props and people should be shouting his name from the rooftops.


I took three buses to see this as a kid. Hrmph.

If this movie existed, it would this one. But it doesn't, so it's not.


I don't think this was emphasized enough:

Quark's fine, but for a dash of Original Trek —

The anti-hero's anti-hero.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to go with Rorshach. Misogynist, anti-Semite, right wing conspiracist, psychopath. I don't adore him, I don't want to hang out with him, but 'cool' and far more interesting than the guys Moore thought the audience would be rooting for (Dr Manhattan and Veidt), yes. Hands down.

Illidan Stormrage

I'm going to go with Jayne.

uhhh... how is this even up for debate?

Canned Trout? This is a thing?