“Netflix has been cutting jobs in its animation department while also relying on AI to do animation work due to what it calls a labor shortage.”
“Netflix has been cutting jobs in its animation department while also relying on AI to do animation work due to what it calls a labor shortage.”
Further evidence that anything that F1 touches, dies.
Until battery servicing makes more sense, I wouldn’t buy a used EV of any type from anyone. Battery degradation spells extremely short lifespans for these things. CP all the way down.
... “from an era when Chrysler was financially on the ropes.”
Another genre role I’m fond of is his role on Babylon 5, where he played a crime boss that finds himself in possession of some pretty explosive information in the 2nd season. I was tickled when I spotted him in that ep.
Can’t cost too much to get the hood fixed. NP given the crazy large prices you see on used trucks these days.
Oh, tough call. I’ve seen so many. But here’s my top four:
I’m totally calling it that from now on.
There’s a public rest area between Gallup, NM and Barringer Crater, AZ on I-40 that always looked abandoned when I stopped at it. I was surprised they didn’t just give up and set out porta-potties.
If you don’t hang out with racists, you won’t “inadvertently like” their memes.
Did anyone else look at his IMDB page? Woof. May not be the hardest working man in Hollywood, but he probably has that guy’s email in his contacts. Not sure if he slept at all in 2022. He’s even narrated 4 eps of Nova!
Many games in my experience have “real” saves in addition to quick saves, and while they take longer, usually, they are also not rotated out unless you explicitly do so.
I’m surprised that military service wasn’t mentioned. While many may disagree with it as a career path, it IS a path, and in some fields figures prominently (mostly technical).
Well, they might finally have some DLC I’d be willing to pay for in that event. Tholians, Gorn, Kzinti (c’mon, they *gotta* do Kzinti!) ... good ol’ times.
Bit ups to David Pogue’s faceplant in that clip. I’m right there with him.
In many ways it looks like Star Trek: Fleet Command (the SFB computer game), except the number or races / empires is pretty anemic. Left some money on the table with that one.
The new voice actors have an extremely strong background in game voice acting. Of course, the grand champion of them all is LaMarr, who is the only one of these actors to get shot in the face by John Travolta and have OVER 500 previous voice gigs - impressive!
Funny thing about Katsulas was how, after he started acting…
Review how this happened and tell me how comfortable you’d be with these goombahs having a nuclear power plant. I’m not really comfortable with them having access to flammable fluids.
I regret that I implied that it was as big as I did, sorry. It ain’t free, but it’s not like 200x the size of someone using the web interface.