
Anyone that is a student of British sports cars of this era is well aware of the multiple issues associated and is hopefully willing to deal with them if preparing to buy such a car.

That said, that is an amazing price for a car in this condition. If you have 5.5 large to blow on something that isn’t a dedicated daily

Is this one of those model years that has a chance to just ... stop running? At any speed? My wife had one of those. Loved the topless, but the prospect of losing power at speed spooked her.  Sold it, didn’t look back.

Storm the Capitol and get a few months.

Insurance fraud: 15 years.

Go us.

For a used Beemer of any kind at that price, my finger is glued to the ND button.

This is just called “SEO” and the only difference between this and the usual SEO shenanigans is that in this case it’s right where you can see it, not buried in the hidden meta data of the page (use “view source” on a page on most selling sites and you’ll usually find this kind of crap)

They’re deserving of re-entry without a heat shield.

I disagree. We need to shoot some other people into space first (space suit optional): e.g. Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Bobby Kotick ...

The #1 reason for me buying a Toyota is that it is like a cockroach - unkillable, immortal, indestructible. Now, I’m not saying that’s the case for this machine, but I am saying that my experience with Toyota has been of that bent. I’ve owned a number of Toyos and they’ve all been nondescript, unsexy, but also

Driving my new Mustang across the desert in Arizona, stopped off at a truck stop. Sun was bright, eyes were dazzled, didn’t realize that the parking lot had a four foot drop and drove right off of it.

“It apparently runs and drives ...”

My only memory of a Husky is a 125cc Motocross bike that was more or less a chainsaw on wheels. Me and my old man took that and a Penton 125 to an abandoned quarry to hoon around on and I don’t believe his feet were on the pegs for more than 30 seconds total.

Thank you, I was about to pop in that my grandmother had a 76 Granada and it looked nothing like that.

Dat title  (rofl emoji)

Ironically, he’ll have to hitch a ride on a SpaceX ship if he wants to loft that much weight and then get to it, because penis-ship can’t even get into orbit.

In the same way that “stock” cars aren’t really “stock” cars, I suspect.

Know what else sees a lot of braking? Short tracks. NASCAR has a love affair with them, so regenerative braking plays right into that fantasy.

I will tell you, for myself, the advantage is that I won’t lay it down and therefore won’t have to struggle to get it back up. I’m a little feller and motorcycles just keep getting more ridiculously heavy every year.

And when California turns red?  Back where we started, except worse.

Absolutely. There’s even a B5 addon for it if the recent B5 news has you excited.

Hey, good news for you!  Grats on leveling up!