
I’m glad this wasn’t around on my 16th birthday, my old man would have bought that for me. The ultimate prophylactic for a high schooler.

I may be misremembering but I think the Sidekick was the subject of a hit piece by Consumer Reports in the 90s, something to do with falling over if you tied a fifty foot pole to the front bumper or something? A little fuzzy. I always felt they were literally putting a finger on the scales in that report.

The 1.8L turbo in my 2016 Escape is pretty good. Good response times (with an occasional dead spot when I catch the computer sleeping), great acceleration, and highway MPG is crazy. I get 5-7 MPG more with highway driving than I do in town, and that’s not even shabby either (22, 23 ish). I was actually leery of this

Now playing

Hall & Oates were on the case for years. You weren’t paying attention.

“Pinto 4 cylinder” should be read “Mustang 4 cylinder” as that is precisely what they sold it in (as well as a zillion other models at the time, including the T-bird) and, ya know, the Pinto wasn’t even around at that point.  Sounds more like trolling IMO.

I know nothing of this game, but, daaamn that’s a sharp looking album.

Meh. I see what’s being done. Clicks, even if they’re artifically prompted by a slideshow, in some way enhance / spoof revenue. I’m not gonna lie, sometimes this makes a difference to keep a site alive.

If you don’t think every G/O media site is on a knife’s edge you’ve not been paying attention for the last five years.

Based on the comments so far, I’m thinking we need the TOP FORTY movies and damned if that ain’t right.

If they don’t require a prescription, are they really gamer glasses? I mean, really?

If they don’t require a prescription, are they really gamer glasses? I mean, really?

So what happened with the truck, after?

Wait, whaat? :(

I just discovered this stuff and feel like a genius for it, but using it as a chicken brine is next level, gonna give this a try with my air fryer.

Wow, one of my worse was in San Diego in the rain, as well - pulling onto  route 163 north, hydroplaned, spun across the highway until I ended up backwards next to the median barrier.

Arright. Don’t want people missing those dragsters flipping in midair! (note: there was one this weekend too, fortunately she’s fine)

Daaamn ... them’s some city miles!

Why thankee, that helps. And shrimps are on sale at Publix this weekend! /dance

No love for NHRA I guess.

Here, bookmark this.

They are AWESOME.

Wonder if there’s a good air fryer recipe.  The fries, yes.  But I’ve never cooked raw shrimp in the air fryer (other than the breaded stuff from SeaPak) so I’ll need to do some research.

If only more people would actually *read* the flag code we might have fewer asshats draping it all over their pustulant bodies.