
The online backup service Backblaze went through a drive crisis a few years ago and resorted to mass shucking to feed the hungry maw of mass storage they had. Here is that story.

The online backup service Backblaze went through a drive crisis a few years ago and resorted to mass shucking to

“He’s a public menace, a living manifestation of boiling rage.”

This coming from a company that has published no less than THREE hardcover, lavishly illustrated tomes relating in great detail (and often retconning) the history of one of its major (if not its most significant) intellectual properties. Because they think it’s cool for fans to make stuff up.

I was worried for ^KAL’s employment status after that (Blizz is notorious for punishing anyone in CS that doesn’t roll over and take it) but I see that the tweet is still up, so I’m encouraged that KAL is still with us. :)

And if he wore that outfit in 2018 he’d be mocked without pity or remorse.

That was my first thought, too.

Wow, Camden Park is as barely inside the state line as you can be without being in Ohio.

Yeah, pretty much because energy and lumber companies stripping the state of natural assets without putting dollar one back into the economy, other than paying top dollar to the governor to keep him in line.

I’m lying. They bought the governor for cheap.

Cloony’s talent is such that even this movie didn’t wreck his career. Sometimes I think he subscribes to the practice of “two for the bank, one for me” in his movies - two to collect a paycheck, and then he gets to spend it on making something he REALLY wants to make. Isn’t a bad approach but boy howdy do we end up

The more dust that accumulates in the computer, the hotter the computer runs, regardless of airflow. Dust is an insulator. A heat sink caked with dust is severely degraded in capacity. Airflow matters, but dust accumulation is a far bigger player than you think.

Additionally, this’ll land you dead-last on the healer’s priority list. “Oh, it’s that guy. Let ‘im cook.”

Not sure if he was trolling you or not.

Favorite: Everyone enjoying each Marvel movie on its merits and not trying to make it into War and Peace.

Least Favorite: People shitting all over movies they’ve watched dozens of times each. You love it, admit it, stop pretending you’re above it all and acknowledge the fact you have no taste and that’s okay. The truth

“Every day, once a day, you should give yourself a present...”

“Every day, once a day, you should give yourself a present...”

I didn’t see any mention of how the mighty warrior xXxSepirothxXx and his friends single-handedly destroyed Sargeras, so I’m guessing “the good stuff” is a subjective term and that there will be a hidden 4th volume on Amazon in the fall.

What I will say is that I have found the peeps at LastPass to be very transparent about their methods and processes so that an informed user can determine for themselves whether that particular cloud service is trustworthy.

Since “competitive gaming” is a subset of “gaming”, it brings all the superset’s culture “to the game”, as it were.

I tend to tip in cash because I’m not convinced that credit tips get processed.

Similar to the way truckers in the US (at least used to) signal each other on the road, especially interstates.