
The guy next to the preacher holding the gat looks like T-Dog from that movie “waiting” with Ryan Reynolds..

I so came here for this and wasnt disappointed.. You win the internet today!

Mike “Fuckin Race Bannon” Pence.... Baaahahaaa!

what are now the suitcase nukes bush scared us with.. memories..

Then theres the Infowars favorite that hosted the OKC bombing .. RED MERCURY.. thats when I knew alex jones was a nut

you left out *coon*... just sayin..

Thunderchicken... LOVE that one!

Yes I actually did and theres where I draw the line.. I tried shaving with it once (like parachuting gotta try it once..) and it was a tad too strong.. I dont consider my skin to be least bit sensitive but this was no mas for the facial area.. everything else its fine..

nope.. his daughter has a position now eventhough she said she wasnt getting involved and has not been asked to divest so both her and jared will keep getting mo money mo money mo money and no one will call them out on it.. the fix is in.. nothing to see here...

Dont matter.. Just put some ouvo on it!!

those pro-lifers that are willing to fight for that childs right to live should also be willing to take said children and raise, feed, clothe and shelter them..

Somewhere Trumps name has to come up in this... and I thought 2016 sucked...

Dood!..You win the internet today..and tomorrow!

Keep disenfranchising the poor and You may just get a reverse Purge happening.. people DO eventually get tired of boots on their necks..

The problem is that he gave christians free passage.. that creates an exclusion that is now defined by religion.. and of those countries ( I mean the dastardly six) what other people exist there other than christians?? Yup you now have muslim ban BY DESIGN..

My 1992 C4 corvette which I just traded in for a 2000 C5.. Simply put, the reason?

megaupload is like rapidshare, 4share etc.. oldskool cloud storage before it was a cool name..

But they still got him.. thats all that mattered..

That P -word... Precedent..

its like taking capone out for tax evasion instead of what you REALLY wanted him for.. But You still get him