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    Dis movie rools


    You're the one that likes shit.

    And you like references in place of anything interesting. Meet the Spartans must be your jam.

    Omgerd only 80s kids will remember this! Barf.

    Yeah, in the original context.

    So? What do I care bout goofuses that are clearly wrong?

    And the there was a millennium Falcon, and then there was a Mechagodzilla, and there were megazords, and there was Gundams, and then there was a bunch of Death Stars, and then there was X wings, and the there were Cylons, and there were Monty Python and the holy grail, and then I uncomfortably 'nice guy' a girl, and

    My reaction was 'fuck you AV club for recommending Ready Player One to me."

    The difference is Fury Road is great.

    So do we all realize this book fucking sucks yet? Because it fucking sucks.

    I can attest to the fact that the fries come bagged from the distributor. It's not like they're cutting potatoes in the back.

    That would be amazing

    DC could have made literal BILLIONS off a happy Alan Moore, he loves and has a clear understanding of the DC universe (the short version we're weird and proud of it). But they fucked him over on Watchmen in the short term.

    But duuude, a billionaire that Kung fus a homicidal murder clown is REALISTIC. Get with the times, grandpa.

    Unless you're Grant Morrison, then you get the greatest goddamn DC comics of all time.

    But I think Rip's gun is pretty cool, actually

    OMG HELPR in the post credits!

    "How much would you give me to restore the timeline?"

    Captain jack seriously needed to be there for a good man goes to war