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    But they all went " whatever, we still love ya, cloud! And dropped it"

    Is this tumbler?

    Just like you, hypocrite.

    And neither are you.

    You and me both. Every single time an eluvium starts up with MRA nonsense, I'm like 'so?'

    these days, when a lady says she plays video games and I ask which one? the answer is unsurprisingly 'call of duty.'

    You see, it's because she's a woman, and she's talking about video games, you see. And there is nothing wrong with perpetuating this mindset, you see.

    If these kitties were samurais as well they would have covered all the bases.

    I'm more irritated how people cry for an HD rerelease of 7 all the damn time.

    Shadow is also AWESOME.

    GENERAL LEO, What?

    The writer of this article has clearly never been to pinks. It's that good, and there is always a line.

    Would greatly prefer a lego justice league movie over the real world one we're going to be stuck with.

    As a native american personally, something something blerg blarg. I dunno… SOLIDARITY!

    That's the porcupine alien movie, right? That was fucking awesome.

    More like ant man's going deep under black widows covers. Thanks Geoff johns!

    Hey, remember when we thought Avengers 2 was going to be everyone vs. thanos? There is no guarantee that Avengers 3 is going to be infinity gauntlet.

    and also the shitty twelve story, where Apocalypse recruited the Skrulls to do Secret invasion 10 years earlier. OH NOES wolverine died! whoops, he's a skrull? Man the new Death Horseman looks familiar…

    for the better.

    seriously, they're both losers without much going for them until a good person shows them a better way.