
Happy people don’t cheat. Happy people don’t lie to their partners or seek out fulfillment of things they won’t communicate to those they supposedly care about. This must be some definition of “happy” that I missed, other than maybe “bullshit smiling plasticine liars pretending to be happy.” Maybe that’s it.

Those guys are a lot more intimidating to you (on many levels) than you are to them, if your comment history is any indication there, Pepe.

So I dvr’d this mess because Bobby makes it sound like it’s campy fun and it’s an unwatchable mess. You alternatively feel bad for her because she’s obviously struggling and bathe in the schadenfreude. She was talking about the Harvey Weinstein mess but I don’t remember her even mentioning what happened to her at Fox

In the immortal words of Dennis Green, Vice is who we thought they are.

I want Grape Fanta, a shop to get braids for my girls and Old English 800.

I feel like most Batman writers have read Dark Night Returns and literally no other comics ever.

One of those things is VERY not like the others.

This story would would have a lot more impact if Batman flipped out on someone like Joe Coyne the Penny Plunderer.

While I understand the value of using the Batman to hold a mirror up to the world and shine a light on some of our problems... Who WANTS to read this kind of a story?

Now, if someone with an explosives license or access to a large truck, was to knock that shit over or completely destroy it, that would be...unfortunate.

How about this, the Jones Act makes it so that cars in Puerto Rico cost about 20% more than in the mainland.

Very smart person clicks on article they don’t want to read, complains about it. More at 5.

Heh, good parody. That’s totally what a shitbird fuckstick taintweasel clump of writhing maggot-ridden oystermeat would say. Just like that.

Boats are the cars of the sea

You don’t get to write a comment like that and then try and play moderate after you get called out on it. No one is going to fall for it.

Hi, I’m also a white lady. It’s no one’s responsibility, in these incredibly difficult and important times, to “take time” and tell you, an incredibly privileged person, how you are seen by people of color. You do not get extra credit for doing what we should all already be doing.

And yet it is magnificant in it’s awfulness - a classic. Sometimes you find a car which is splandid in many ways, but is let down by some studid design decisions - that’s disappointing. Here, every design decision is bad - there’s a certain purity of intent that your average crappy car does not attain. This car looks

It might have been rolled during initial “testing” and that’s the best they could do to beat it back into shape. Marvelous.

There’s so many more good details like this we just didn’t have time to show. There could be a feature-length movie on all the things wrong with the Hoffmann.