
digital blackface has never changed

because Tyrant Superman wouldn’t trust Justice Lords Superman.

wow i remember those. as youngsters we just fastforwarded because sometimes the commercials would show some stuff even we weren’t prepared for.

Bih, bye. also those bases and everything else are coming with us. Don’t even bet.

are you stupid? he chose a story to alter for the sake of exposition. He didn’t “mis-remember” and old proverb. he was modifying it for his purposes deliberately. all these pedants leaping to the chance to correct have missed the point, ironically.

400 dollar hair dryer? nah girl. industrial heat gun? yes.

i kmow now I got a F in Irony 201

nobody tell them to look up the Rat king

Well this is the western online version of the morality police over in Iran. I mean, you could be playing games dude. Instead you’re playing the game of life and your purpose is to harass women online if you see their boobs. smh.

Flouty, Essence Rap, I dunno. Something. If hip-hop wants to claim them, ok. If they want to claim hip-hop, hmm maybe. If they want to name a new sub-genre for rap, perfect, so we can all get our classifications straight and they can still make market money.

nothing like a catcher who has a good telepathic link with his first baseman.

yeah but Mulder and Scully in the real world? just imagine all the crazy stuff 22 million gets you in 3 seasons

This should cross over to Jalopnik. I love the cars in Burnout. they look so goddamn sexy with the colors and all. I hate to total one, or crash, or even ding one. I just like driving around looking amazing.

that guy Just Dave has a twitter feed that reads exactly like that. I think porn is way overdue for a #metoo movement.

Someone should bring back some kind of Solar-electric Steam hybrid that runs on super pressurized steam or something. That would be cool, if it was efficient.

it’s amazing that all I needed to read were the words “human condition” and to see the pictures and I instantly knew the entire contents of the article without needing to read it. and those might be wrench marks, in case a metal headed hammer wasn’t available.

Purge all purgers.

Disgusting. So is the inclusion of racism and race play. Years ago I was disgusted by a porn company that put out videos that focused on abusing black women, calling them “Ghetto gaggers” and now its probably the very same people trying to do a “by the numbers inversion” because they know there is a market for it, and

Look. They’ve been trying to make Alexandria a thing for the last 30 years. It’s not going to become a thing. new waterfront, without the slavery this time even. nice new restaurants and outside spaces. Cool. But no one is traveling there from California just to eat at its restaurants and stay at its spaces. People

lots of native american tribes did unite. but you underestimate the number of tribes and the size of the country , and the adeptness of the US government at playing desperate people against one another. The comic done by Ta Nahesi Coates does an ok job of showing the different points of conflict.