
no1currrrr. comic readers will just ignore the words of Gunn, movie watchers will just have question marks over their heads, and will just move on. So Gunn’s neat idea of making Baby Groot a new Groot instead of maintaining Groots regeneration abilities doesn’t have that much mileage. Another interesting blip on a

I assumed that Hanuman had syncretised into Wakandan culture. Like Hinduism likely syncretized Hanuman many centuries ago into it’s religion. Also if you want to get into the weeds with the theories of a large ancient kingdom spanning eastern African continent and reaching to India, that makes it even more interesting

That picture is why I don’t hang out with people who fuck with vegetables. Cold food should be edible, not mental torture. Ham salad with peas, no. Get out.

This is why Windows and Microsoft suck ass.

I’m completely willing to believe businesses in Towson, MD would be willing to lose money to stop a black gathering.

towson is suspect as hell in general. when i saw there were going to be black scheduled events, in the back of my mind i figured some fu-ksh-t might occur to mess things up. So not shocked or surprised, just disappointed. Towson, MD doesn’t like all those ‘blacks’ roaming around.

When you get into metaphors and intellectual shorthand (which comic writers often deal in) versus real world problems and suffering that real people actually suffer, and then you try to work out the logic. Many times things get confused. Jane’s plot devised cancer is a special case, and Wakanda’s technology isn’t her

No it’s not the same guy. It’s just an easy counter to “why won’t evil Wakanda cure all of the world’s problems.” For all the good that it would do, it could present a larger problem than Wakanda is able to deal with. You can give away your house, but it would be much wiser to live in it.

who’s to say that if they gave the cure away someone else couldn’t turn it into a weapon? I see this example brought up from time to time, but Wakanda doesn’t owe you or the world at large anything.

Rick Veitch has always been on point with raw and visceral decon-reconstructions. His Brat Pack was like a sick media explosion, and I’m looking forward to reading this new evolution on that theme.

I’m cool to not shop at an Old Navy ever again. Lots of other places to buy skull caps and sweatpants.

its so bad it leaves me breathless

I’m pretty sure a 65% guy average has done this. Partially out of laziness and pure ballsiness. Banks, Fast food drive Thrus, Mail box drop offs. Just to see what could happen, and because no logic could concievably forsee a reason to leave the car, except for a flat tire or something. in which case we would just be

act like Netflix doesn’t have money to burn. they could have made a million dollar and negotiated and perhaps none of this would have happened. why do I see so many people acting like it is coming from their wallet?

see. ya’ll gon learn to leave Auntie Erykah alone. ya’ll gon learn...

Legit question: citation needed. lol

lots of reviewers have put the Gear VR in the same performance range as Occulus. So how can this be true if smartphone VR is so bad?

yep. especially in affluent Georgetown. If *they* say riding a bike is suspicious behaviour worthy of Police attention, then you’re being ‘spicious. Want to fix that situation? Then get out of their town...

The new DC. Reverting back to the old DC that none of us are old enough to remember.

yeah that was weird.