
no u.

Just wait to see the Akira Tetsuo Opening Ceremony where they re-weave the fabric of existence

the question is does anyone care? Obie is completely wrong for Faith and everyone knows it.

Nah he’s off where ever they stuck the black kid from Runaways and the evil wizard Agamotto.

too right. this ain’t your home. its a business.

Windows 10 is crap. Thank you.

it looks like the Hulk tried to use that car as a bocce ball.

The E is just off by 45 degrees. It was a typesetting accident.

Now playing

I wonder if the astronomy community is feeding data to the games community

who’s we? stage wars on mars and leave this planet in peace.

you mean as a masochistic thing?

do they ever show the post-apocalyptic alien wasteland that hides under the shiny happy candy colored world the drugs make the player see?

they had me at chubby Sonic

One hint. Lame floral phone cover.

I was 100% sure that the black man was the robot, and that they had figured out a way to replace the elevator man with an automation.

at that point you can’t even clean it up, just nuke it.

well...he did say a *tiny* secret. I shouldn’t be disappointed, but I am.

Trading in your digital purchases for 10 % sounds like a bad deal...full stop! it is a bad deal. just because you get “nothing” doesn’t mean accepting a bad deal is better. You’re getting abused twice.

Some people wanted to sue, but Microsoft covered themselves in the EULA.

50 years is a blink of an eye in relative time for a faster than light travelling society