
well re: the burning of witches, I’m assuming in this Rowling world a lot of those who were killed weren’t witches. It was just a killing mania based around fear and hatred of witches that is remembered.

do not be fooled. Only a swirling tube of evil would even suggest such a thing.

you’re the reason people run VMs and AVs and waste time virus blasting when they could be installing. An inconvenience though, when you could be using your powers for good.

you might even say he had ‘taxpayer support’

this isn’t always the case. hell, even microsoft has made it hard as hell to get a disc copy of their legacy Office software. They no longer link their own ISOs and the 3rd party licensor who used to do it for .edu reasons has broken links or links that reroute you to MS.

Grayson, I see you’ve never participated in a successful coverup. ....

@Villaine clarification: torrent sites often have raw iso files. it tends to be the illegal key cracker or hacked executable that carries the viruses, so if you can avoid running those, by having already paid for the software, you’re (generally) safe. which is why a lot of people use torrents as a portable software

I know someone who used “pirate” torrent sites millions of times. To download software they legitmately had the key for. At work. And then they go their list of issued software licenses and register it.

Foxx is just an example. Just the right level of well known and not working to work for the joke. He could have named some serious actors but he joke wouldn’t have been funny, would it?

I’m sorry but you are now that guy. If you watch the video you’ll see an explanation for the dent in the animated gif. and that’s pronounced Gif with a Jay. (the sword wasn’t as sharp as he thought, or he swings like a weakling at first.)

so what if you’re really really good at Slippery Slope? what then? do they come recruit you for their anti-extremism goat riding squad?

that would be next level amazing

holy shit I would play the hell out of a Fallout 4: New Orleans. As it stands I probably won’t buy vanilla Fallout 4 until GOTY or Steam 75% sale.

Wake me up when the Dyson Sphere is completed!

I’m just not buying anything for the time being. I almost caught myself yesterday, about to put payment info back in, but no. I’m going to think about it a bit more. Don’t really need any more games right now.

you just can’t buy advertising like that. he’s blessed.

3d is like, a part of the atmosphere now, even if 3dTV didn’t fly. Every medium has a 3D reflection.

He accidentally blows up his own dog in an explosion that kills 4 innocent puppies and one kitten.

This chip could theoretically be used to open a gateway to an alternate universe. I need it for reasons.

no one knows what the hell you’re talking about. (and nobody cares...) that’s what happens when the window of opportunity cracks shut. it’s much easier to say “hey that game sucks” than to explain why 20 different issues with the game are suddenly “fixed this time for real guys”, and then expect people to verify,