
you were the only one!

lol you actually said hippies.

Here I was wondering how a regular guy from Seville could make it with a star hopping robot from Beta VI. Now I guess I don’t have to worry about it. Hooray ambitious redheaded robot queen, I guess?

...that’s an enemy gunship...

I’m Brian Fellows and Welcome to Safari Planet: Survival Edition!

I refuse to listen. It demanded I install some silly app.

fuck the Crans, with their Big League equipment and aluminum baseball bats.

I know, I imagine Animal’s love life to be at least worth 2 or 3 Muppet specials alone.

Man that accent is atrocious. Couldn’t you find an actual Australian to review this in australian?

That chart sucks.

very cutting edge

did they plant the tree over him?

it is nice to remind the fat people that they are, in fact, fuckable. this article was actually a public service. no seriously. this is a terrible planet, and sometimes we need to get a little raw and flush. Direct, as it were. And now off to see the crazy people doctors.

tell a man what you want. be clear, concise, and unambiguous, and you maybe won’t need articles like these.

you know, its things like these that would make aliens agree to never let us leave our home planet. Paranoia is just a game, but its a pretty good allegory too.

so someone found a dirty dreamcast in an ashtray? I mean, it looks like a lot of work went into it, but it looks like something we’d see in someone’s closet.

weed goes in here

This guy wrecked my entire Party in Lisa. I should have heeded the warning sign “strong men only”.

fuck you adobe?
