
stop trying to make “it’s made of junk” happen.

Germany or Florida? come on, when it is ever Germany?

That’s either Waluigi, or a perverted Mario from a sick and twisted alternate dimension.

I think it looks cool.

Well if they were humans from the future, that might explain a few things. Like why they would want to prevent a nuclear war. and why they got those big heads and spindly little bodies.

oh dear god

I am actually literaly dead.

How do I look guys? Cool, right? Bird like? I believe I can fly.

that’s the joke. This would be a horrible photo, even with some picture perfect model pretending to be some barefoot bird dressed in the most drab blue jeans and shirt finery ever. But instead lets get the pudgy, non-photogenic creator to pose in the horrible photo composition, for reasons. Its like they wanted to put

Phillip K Dick is: High as shit in this fuckin Castle.

lol, I used to think I knew, then I knew I didn’t know. so unless she’s actually grabbing me around the arm and pulling me somewhere, I assume we’re just friendly.

All I can do is feel my face get warm and then apologize and hang my head in shame. I’ve been mistaken before.

yeah it’s legal in America. “yeah, hi. how was the weekend? anyway so we have a new project we want you to be in charge of. There is a closet full of dusty broken shit? we want you to clean it up. Then the office downstairs needs to be cleaned out. All those files and papers. And you’ll be working with the cleaning

yeah whoda thunk a soda machine could support apartheid and racial violence?

I’m a beer connoisseur and I’ve never heard anyone say that Miller High Life was a bad beer. Budweiser? Yes. Bud Light? Yes. St Pauli Girl? Yes. Miller High Life was just sort of...there. And damned tasty if I had to be honest about it. Especially in the glass bottle. Drink on. Stay away from that Heineken stuff.

hahahahahhahahaaahahahahhaaaa. burn. everything.

Zur-En-Arrh? Do you think they’re ready to go that deep?

there is actually an excitebike clone with Mario characters. I think it was a limited release Nintendo bundle game.

exactly what I was saying.

its a terrible port, and a terrible game, but a curator and atari fan is speaking through the eyes of love. I mean, look at the damned thing. It’s using substitute sprites because its still in alpha. The speed was never super great on the 2600, so that’s nice that they were on the right track with this one,