
My guess is bronze age bowrettes. Put them in the girls’ hair, etc. Or the men, who knows?

Rest in Peace Iwata. I will understand.

yes it’s superbad.

“It brings up interesting debate. So I think you will always be—there will be a time in history where whatever you were you are. Whatever you will be going forward that is what you will become.”

Maybe some smart movie producer can salvage this whole Jem debacle, and let the sequel be a Misfits led caper movie where Jem and crew have to grow up and step up and become the supergroup we know them to be, in order to stop Misfit global domination.

Someone needs to destroy the current Jem script and cast Ke$ha as leader of the Misfits.

Batman died and left Superman all his stuff. Except most of his stuff was stolen by criminals in that masterful scheme the Joker pulled. So there’s some left over gear, an offline computer, and Alfred.

Aliens. Is such a thing even possible? .....Yes. It is.

hello? have we got news for you. yes. since the late 60s we have had working particle cannons. Note i said working, not efficient, or practical.

Firewall? make it out of wood. More free weight for armor. We can replace the pilot anytime.

Can I get this in holographic form?

This is how they do it overseas.

St Nick was a turk, wasn’t he? Not a sword swinging Viking. I think old Norse legends were probably talking about Odin, which is completely un like Santa Clause, St. Nick, and anyone else. Just a big snowy mountain type guy with a famous beard. Kinda thin for a Morrison link, but I guess he’s coming to the bottom of

gets my vote a hell of a lot quicker than Adventure Time would

slooowwwly reach for my meds. slowly realize the meds do nothing.

well the analog to mama’s boy is daddy’s girl, not girl with daddy issues, just so you remember. love and peace.

but....that is my fetish.

my good dude, this is a famously mislabeled video. The image is actually a scientist trying to catch an oversized alligator by a highway culvert. It does look green enough to be a golf course though. And watching a man frightened for his life is kind of funny.

Hey I was a great catcher. Baseball though. Softball catchers seem to be more like a gladitorial thing where you know you’re being punished and the threat of losing a tooth is high.! the skitty belongs *on* the Wailord. Ok. Do it over from the beginning.