
Mom is on that “Burn Everything” tip. No care in the world, call the papers, the world needs ta KNOW. I mean, if Rachel isn’t black, mom sure blew up her spot like this was Empire.

My sister, I can’t stand with you on this. Black people do in fact come with all kinds of different facial characteristics. Even looking just about white. Skin tone notwithstanding. It’s possible. You *could* question it, but if you were wrong, you’d look like a serious jerk...which is why this was so insidiously

She should resign, apologize to anyone who has been hurt, run again, and win. And the write The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Woman.

lolwut? I mean...really? Are these two stories even in the same hemisphere? Why the racist smiley face story after the chinese counterfeit story? we’re leaving.

eating lots of conch is sure to make you big and stronk.

well shit. I *have* to buy it now.

yep. that’s an orgy with 3 thai hookers. I don’t know what I was expecting.

I thought this was a chocolate fudge pizza, making me wonder...what hath hell wrought this time?

publishers and editors figured that millenials would identify more with dysfunctional superheroes in a sort of crapsack world full of dark grey and gritty human weakness.

hm...looks kinda shady.

won’t help. I still refuse your pink chicken.

Doesn’t look a thing like her. But the artist obviously copied the pose, which, I don’t believe you can trademark or copyright or expect to keep exclusive. So she was used as inspiration and character posing, can’t really bank on that, but nice try.

curr3ntly no2, but there is always the future

at near 4k, the 64 bit version does look a lot prettier. But perhaps Durante da Gawd will surprise us with some new compatibilities.

OG cougar in the hi-zouse.

maybe the end product looks and tastes better than that special needs potato waffle in the picture? Looks like some idiot with a chicken decided to make his own Eggo waffles. Looks like an entire hive of carpenter bees got air sick into a waffle maker and that is the pale and unappetizing result.

hell of a harsh lesson to learn, that Orwellian doublespeak is already in full swing. "Human Resources" is just another one. They will try to strip you of every rational argument you have, and force you to sign away your credibility, and ultimately fire you because to be noticed is to be a problem.

ah yes. the good ole 'come here finger'

Please. Kill me. I should not be alive.