
OG cougar in the hi-zouse.

So many idiots I talk to in life believe this. That China somehow owns most of America and is going to foreclose or somehow evict us, legally some how. All because of some bad memory association and an irrational fear of anything political.

I'm here because of the 'DNA being used to put out fires' thing , and the obvious implications that demanded that I be here.

maybe the end product looks and tastes better than that special needs potato waffle in the picture? Looks like some idiot with a chicken decided to make his own Eggo waffles. Looks like an entire hive of carpenter bees got air sick into a waffle maker and that is the pale and unappetizing result.

hell of a harsh lesson to learn, that Orwellian doublespeak is already in full swing. "Human Resources" is just another one. They will try to strip you of every rational argument you have, and force you to sign away your credibility, and ultimately fire you because to be noticed is to be a problem.

ah yes. the good ole 'come here finger'

Please. Kill me. I should not be alive.

you just brought food to a shitfight

but what about the white and gold version of this dress? huh? what about it?


he is simultaneously having sex and playing video games online at the same time.

well it should.

who did he sell it to?

5 years in the prison that the victim chooses.

Well for one thing, I'm guessing a big, self healing, almost fully rubberized duck would be hard to sink. maybe it's an automated drone


driving on an ice rink is now subject to state and civil transportation laws against drunk driving?


I did. She seemed like WAY WAY WAY too much of a troublesome busybody. I knew this would be a redemption play, because she was just too paranoid not to have...issue issues.

looks like a cavity to me. You're gonna pull Hulk's tooth?