
I think this might have just broken my foot fetish into a thousand tiny pieces.

yes, yes kitty. this is real. And yes kitty, the mothership is coming to take us both away in 20 minutes. don't worry. we won't have to live on this planet anymore...

altered dna?

Now playing

Just trust me. Turn on the mute for the jets and press play.

Columbus would be fucked. Oh my god. And Europe? We will invade them, burn all their cathedrals, oh the crying of women and the gnashing of teeth...

I'm sorry

why 3 eyes? I had to google the reddit mascot to be sure, but I only see 2 eyes.

I want the glitter to go in the bad place. Is that extra?


"...and now you *are* the father!"

We still go to Andale every third saturday for their awesome unlimited meat korean BBQs.

mmmm fried raptor.

I guess 50-100 years in BC time is...more...ancient. A tiny bit more ancient, but still. Wouldn't have clicked.

I remember all these different rules and how people were rabidly eager to categorize and create hierarchies. All based on legend and hypotheticals. It was like watching the creation of the Catholic church

I love the music. Very soothing and Sims-like.

No air conditioning, no furnaces, probably hot as hell under all those cloaks.

you were about to face the big boss and you forgot to check for evil floor tiles?

Yes because we think a Twitter-to-interstellar broadcast feed is a great idea.

I guess that's one way to say Damien Wayne isn't going anywhere.

Yep, that's when I learned cartoons were very very sexy.