

I'm not sure what the heck I'm looking at here. I was expecting DK to be head bopping zombies. All I see is a donkey kong game.


basically. cash money, cheap liquor, and beautiful green women with loose morals.

That's not how you DNA, but hey. Never too late to learn how to convict the wrong guy.

Somebody better hide this from UKIP. they'll have a field day...

ah...beautiful nostalgia. Its like reliving some really good fucking gaming. We can never go back..but we can remember.


no honest exchanges here, true believers! Lets just keep talking past each other like a Doc Ock exposition.

I just wish people would stop sexy-shaming poor Spider-woman

Is that literally "one tooth in his head"? Holy motor of God.

All Cosplay Heroes must Register with the Superhero Initiative. cosplay Civil War...go!

#notallhackers lol

just around the general crotch area, like usual.

I love Jezzies. But yeah, this is what's going on. That other pic was just some weird agenda stuff. But hey, we're all entitled to an agenda or two <3 swiggity swooty~~

give it time. Would you buy? will make.

I saw the hand that spanks the child. But I like yours better. Can you do anything about the fist that punches and the hand that grasps?

no..wait guys. chill. they're a duo act.

fine. kill it. kill it dead.

no incentive. city councils bend where the rich wind blows., unless someone is consciously trying to balance something. Most people just want to get elected and be popular with their constituents.