
well you can't compare everyone to a few people in your family, can you?

hah, author says they did it to impress a girl. Sensitive feelings confirmed. Shutting down. Shut down.......overridden.

I'm with it bro. Whoever wrote this is in love with Cap. I'm not sure if they're current fans or aware of the entire Cap story. Cap was more a cynical propoganda tool meant to salvage the "failure" of the Super Soldier program, that began and ended with Steve Rogers. So they teamed him with a trained assassin to be

react to what? humans have demonstrated an ability to make crop circles, and it's know. They usually use footboards and tramlines though. You can tell the weird crop circles by the magnetic anomalies, lack of tramlines or disturbed crops, soil differences, and uniform differences in the way the plants are mashed down.

so a remote controlled turtle is next, I hope. I'm guessing this sort of thing will evolve. the old days, if you were lucky, you'd just go to jail on sodomy and public indecency charges.

Why did they have to frame it in such an awkward way? Why not just say "we'd like to do a feasibility study for building an interplanetary/interstellar spacecraft, in Earth orbit. "

Bears also carry walkie talkies and stay in constant communication with tree cops.

I can't wait until Mirror Universe Major Kira pops over to our side.

Soon they're going to hear the sound..the sound... the sound...when we come running.

well when this happens in Japan let me know

yep, masters are worth their weight in re-editable audio gold.

ColecoVision was the better one wasn't it? It could play Atari games and ColecoVision games.

We've been mentally preparing for this possibility for decades now. If the worst were ever to happen, we would respond and react.


hahah in this thread, jgperry learns that villains are humans too. Except when they're robots.

This is called retail. No. No. Yes. Really. retail. Crazy is normality and crazy needs money too.

Incorrect attribution is what I calls it. I don't see the real connection to games, and don't like one being implied(by the media and body politic at large). Guess what? A psycho gets drunk and goes on a axe murdering, vehicular homocidal rampage, are we going to blame booze, wood cutting tools, and transport


"If twenty gangsters show up when Jackie Chan is eating, shouldn't he beat all of them up with a pair of chopsticks, his chair, and the tablecloth? That's how it always goes in his movies."