
Hahahhahahaa. Tremendous. Did they hit their heads or something? This is so good, it's almost a combo-breaker for them.

just open your heart man. it's like having a kid, but you're the kid! it's great. and then you can go put on your man pants and pretend it never happened.

I think it's awesome. MLP inside joke + Doctor Who cosplay = win.

Also, that hat. That hair. Legend of Zelda fan?

No...I think his idea of a resistance movement, (and it's ironic because I actually came here to ask you people about possible hypothetical examples of resistance), would be like pledging to not drive a car, and to only work close to the community and to create a movement within a community to do things locally and to

I never felt that it was unfair or I never got frustrated. I was always excited to watch the effects of those powers and gadgets everyone else had, and couldn't wait to get them for myself. I can't understand the people who get upset because they haven't earned the things that others have as they're starting out. The

ah, the allure of that which you think you can't have.... I guess?

i can't even be sarcastic about it. Because dude. Just because.

you have my sonic screwdriver!

Agreed. I think they ask people with a great story to tell, and then give them too small a space to try to fit in.

i have the strangest...rocket.

and color changable.

now how to release all of that accumulated energy without destabilizing the bubble and destroying the new star system you've just arrived at...

I didn't think the comment was that great actually. :P

I love My little Pony, but this is pretty repulsive in my eyes. If you don't get MLP, just accept that you don't modulate the color and the sound, baby. Don't get so upset. You don't dig the vibe, or you don't get the vibe, but that's ok. Do your thing, don't use your thing to funk up someone elses's groove.

what happens when the dog whisperer is also a cat burglar?

call the Ghostbusters. Viggo has escaped.

The women and things concerning the women are the only interesting parts of this story. David is many things, but actually interesting as a person, and not a set of accomplishments, he is not. He was married, he was horny, he would have literally tossed it at anything under the right circumstances, and then a set of

damn those Klingon Warbird scenes in the original Trek movies were crazy awesome. So...alien.

Holy crap did they use my idea, and make the main character a female who uses weapons and guile, but also orders muscle around?