
It's a cyclops-bot wearing pony markings.

I'm not sure if the bronies are embracing this game or not. We love the complexity and the quality, not the commercialism or the product appeal...

This guy needs to be in a jail cell.

here kotaku, let me pour you a drink. I know you need it brother.


What if the main enemy is a giant angry flying evil face than shoots projectiles from it's mouth?

This is why I never give more than 20 bucks to someone I don't trust personally.

That star on his hat? Invincible Mario is the new Steel Joe? I fear that the poor Princess has been...purged. Hopefully just exiled to an ice level.

not even that really. I don't see how they can guesstimate the population of the Tolkien world based on known characters, speaking, non-speaking, or receiving the barest reference of any sort. Wasn't the whole point of the tale to show that it was all just a working part of a larger whole? Suddenly there are less than

Ah yes, the good ole AVRO saucers.

I've read and heard that those people now owe the Yakuza a boon or a debt, because the Yakuza may assist you, but they won't be doing it for free.

Oh, I dunno. Maybe you could talk about college football? Unless they're nuts, I'm sure they can converse beyond the sort of things found in the Fortean Times.

I'll buy it soon, but not on day one. I'm an X-Com OG so, the franchise deserves my money for putting out this game. Gotta reward good behavior. And about that video of him trying to sell in a Gamestop, he should try that at CompUSA or Egghead Software, or Babbages, a crowd would have ripped his clothes off and

Wow, in my head I remembered this as an actual jazz radio song. Amazing how memory gets all screwy. Now I want to play some oldgamez.

And if the policy at the company was casual dress, what then? A hat can not be described as thuggish attire. He looks like a college student. I must say, I wonder how objective the lot of you are. And I mean truly regarded, not just your opinion of your blessed selves. IF you want to take the meaning of the word thug

implications of looking a criminal and the like. There is quite a bit out there about the history of referring to blacks as thugs, and of actually treating them as such, without due process, and prosecuting them for crimes due to convenient proximity. There is plenty of source material if you're truly interested. You

I thought it was a valid question regardless by the way. :/ my question was about the impression of the poster, and it still stands.

I thought the author said it was, nice, intelligent fellow. Yes, I went and checked. The author of the article said it was a picture of the person in the clothes worn when he was called a thug. He took a picture for posterity, you wonderful person you. So it's unfortunate that you felt the need to insult me, but I'd

Oral sex, problem solved. Figure out her twist, and problem really solved. Next. Bring in the baby and a pair of scissors.

Does this look thuggish to you?