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80's Darkseid's voice was more awesome. 3:09, since gawker strips the timestamp code.

I'm not so sure it's exactly 'comforting' how "life goes on" after I'm dead, because it effectively does not. Those images are freaky as hell. Imagine being one of the last few humans on earth.

Yeah if people were lining up in droves to catch baskets full of giant spiders, I'm pretty sure they'd figure out what's up and start avoiding humans like the plague.

After a certain size, things should stop being pests and start becoming food. Humans, take back our planet, reclaim your place at the top of the food chain. These are not spiders, they're land lobsters.

ah thank you for explaining. I was confused. Damn them.

it's got cars in it, don't it? ....(i know. i know.)

spend your 2 cents to find something else to admire. That's my free advice to you, free of charge, and totally free.

basically what that other guy said, You have pros who make a life out of it, and you have people who basically want to live the fast life and get money however they can. Being a gangster gives them a certain cache, a status they wouldn't have if they were "legitimate businessmen" heh, so why wouldn't they flaunt their

Shoe on head. mf'ing shoe on head.

Well, didn't they recently get rid of all analog TV channels? Wasn't all that business about needing to get digital TVs and antenna converters and all that having something to do with analog stations going away and most channels switching over to analog? I have 3 humongous sony TVs that are now very expensive

cool Wonderman, bro.

I think they should save it and reclaim it. Let people live there in exchange for public service. They could built a garden, it could become a community center. Someone just wants that land, I'm guessing.

The nightstand is probably chest high. The clock is bigger than his head.

Well that's just someone's particular anime style of drawing. Not all anime looks like someone has a peach for a head.

hahaha looks like someone took their MMA action figures to bed with them. Peep those giant pillows.

CGW was the best, but PCXL was my second favorite magazine. The rest were hacks as far as I was concerned. Especially PC Gamer.

not me!!

They robbed Grimjack in creating Jack Chance, in my opinion. But that's ok.

Well they had to show that John Stewart, the "heart and soul of the Corps" had to kill another lantern to save the Corps. hahaha that's like the new meme, "what Lantern will John Stewart kill this month?"

no emulator? No virtual machine?