
Best Beetle. also..long live the Blue Beagle.

but..but...talking about it means you're injecting race into it! They already have like 83 different races represented, there is no room for a black one, and there's no need for one because....because they don't care about it, so stop talking!!! /internet

Dark Scrolls, anyone?

Misfits forever.

But it doesn't matter that it was was "fate" or something.

You wanna help me retroactively unread this article? (You sort of have to read things to get the idea that you disagree with it.)

The new series can go hang if they're this bad and trolling their customers this hard.

It just feels like they didn't think about it at all. A bad ending ruins the entire experience. People told me how bad the endings were, so I just spoiled it for myself, and I have to agree. Angrily. They need to do some kind of damage control, or else this game is all but ruined. "But the fun is in the journey!" Yeah

hahah so...stop playing games then? "Vote with your dollars. But don't complain or nothin, just don't support them, while a million other people continue to do so. Because...complaining is tacky. If you deserved to be heard, they would have listened already and you wouldn't have needed to speak up anyway. See how that

I like the CQB maps that came with Karkand. Those are definitely fun. Metro is lame and unbalanced as hell with impassable chokepoints where everything just stops. Then it becomes an unrealistic meat grinder to see how many dead bodies you can pile up to squeeze through. It's great for leveling and horrible for

I hate when AA just drives around the base like some joker put him on a snipe hunt or something. Forget the base, go outside and shoot down that helicopter. Caspian, I'm looking at you.

Sunsoft made some of the BEST game music on 8bit.

Yeah the Zelda cartoon was completely awesome, and me and my friends would sift through weeks of crappy Super Mario Super Show episodes just for a chance to catch a Zelda cartoon on re-run. I never knew of anyone that didn't like them until I met the Internet.

If only there was some way to preserve natural processes and educate the masses, while preventing venture capitalists from locking these things down into some money making process, forever.

When I was a kid, we did have big wheels with lever brakes that were meant to let you do sort of a powerslide. Well...I didn't have one, but my friend did. Never let me ride it though.. :`(

I expect quite a few injuries. A hoverboard would probably carry the body and have a constant lack of friction. This thing is supposed to be covered in a friction resistant coating on the bottom, but what happens when a tiny bit of friction does come into play? I'm reminded of my skateboard video game attachment,

I want to wonder how much one of those could sell for on ebay, or if they could be repurposed somehow, in a DIY lifehacker sort of way.

yeah let me get a couple hours of Battlefield 3, and I'll read that Getting thing's done book that's sitting here on my guess that's dust.

you're kidding yourself. the new movies suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...............uuuuuuuuuuck. Bring back my science fiction please. Enough with the "clever, glamorous action that Americans crave".

It makes me hope that there really IS such a thing as a league of assassins, and to dream about hiring them to go to Hollywood for a summer.