grimjack28 me a piece of that hat. I'm expecting it to be covered in spicy cheddar-jack cheese though.

does it work for digital TVs?

Last night I menaced a man standing there with his gun. After making threatening gestures with my knife, mere inches away from him, he promptly shot me with his gun. If only I had taken a few more steps in his direction...Damned depth perception.

That's called should have walked faster. This ain't Halo. "You stole my kill!!1" That means you're playing the wrong game. I just saved your life. That guy was about to turn around and shoot you.

Tasslehoff Burrfoot approves this message.

you forgot the buttons....

aim your ire elsewhere bio, it was a tease, and he took it as a tease, so you got all upset over nothing.

"Self-entitled elitists who think they can design a better game but never do. "

In a perfect world, EA/DICE would be pleased because it shows people are passionate about their games. In a real world, they're ambivalent to totally nonplussed because the principle is only passionate about making tons of cash selling games. And patching and upgrading and communication beyond uninformed best guesses

I just hope he feels bad for driving this poor girl insane. Erm.....make that Lin-sane.

what means 'totally made up years and years later'?

but remember... he's only 'half' black ;P

Well since you went there, fried chicken and watermelon being fairly well known as stereotypical things that black people enjoy, if you were to ask if they were black you would be granting credence to that stereotype. Now the person asked whether the poster who said they were not aware of the extent of racism was

Well in their defense, it was just a question...

eeeyup...Not to mention the old Battle of LA stories mentioned direct hits that didn't make a mark. Artillery and machine gun fire for hours at that singular target, and that the barrage balloon explanation was only a theory in itself. Of course I also see that the weather balloon or even the more weird 'deformed POW'

Dave makes fun of racism. Being racist while trying to be funny is actually very different.

Hah, the only links to that video are from white supremacy sites and aryan youtube channels. I'm starting to believe that you're only Asian on the Internet, and not just a fool, but a trollish tool. So you're just an ole garden variety racist? I'm disappointed, and suddenly bored with you.

not to mention that the whole 'efficiency' thing was based on the black and Irish workers demanding better pay, and the not yet established immigrant Chinese being easier to exploit with unfair wages. Thousands came over looking to mine gold, and when that didn't pan out, they were just another labor force to be

Just because you're aping the widespread ignorance of the world doesn't net you any actual legitimacy. You're wrong, and until you wise up or decide to change, you'll continue to be wrong. But the quality of your wrongness was comment worthy. I had to wonder whether you're extremely ironic, or just totally lacking any