I will preface this with the fact that unnatural movements freak me out. A lot.
I will preface this with the fact that unnatural movements freak me out. A lot.
Believe it or not, skinheads were first a non-racist movement. It was started as a working class subculture in England. Populated by English coal workers (hence the short hair and the work boots) and Jamaican immigrants. (I know, your mind is blown.) It was later on populated by more working class groups. The main…
Pretty much this. Except I was the child parents THINK they’re going to have, the one who doesn't understand. I remember being a kid and seeing two guys kissing in Central Park and asking my parents about it. They were like “sometimes men fall in love with men and women fall in love with women.” I was completely…
Dang. Getting a little teary-eyed over these stick figures rn.
This is such a terrible lesson to learn. So many of my family members have gone through this... ugh, fuck cancer.
For real, good for Molly and fuck this hater ass couch jockey. How much of a salty stank monster do you have to be to fucking write a multi paragraph long email to a television studio because a woman didn’t meet your exacting standards of ******conservative****** in a dress and necklace that could be on a mannequin at…
I started that movie at 11pm thinking, I’ll probably just fall asleep to this. Nope. I was captivated the ENTIRE MOVIE. And when it was over, I didn’t understand why.
Also you know what movie I love and have seen three times?
I’m turning 30 this year and I am really having the hankering to do that hear-on-the-sleeve symbolic hair-shaving gesture. I pissed a lot of men off this week simply by not giving them the time of day they wanted. I’m feeling stormy and punk-rock lately in general. I think 30 is the new 18. I don’t currrr - only this…
Wow you sure can tell a lot about somebody (the brother) from just a picture! You should really try to market that, I bet it’d be quite profitable.
I fucking dare the NRA assholes to say the problem is people in Texas don’t have free enough access to guns. I FUCKING DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.
People, can we just fucking not? God, my heart....I just want to wrap my arms around everyone.