
Not all of us have hooves instead of feet, us non mutant humans have become weak and tender, not to mention mysophobes.

At least there's water in between the Americas, the Eurasia things is more of a "we don't like your kind around here boy"

Pfffft, girls don't need good grades, they just need to look pretty for finding husbands, also know how to cook, but that comes later.

Arriba, arriba, andale, andale.

Officially the United Mexican States, in spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos, absorb them, rename them to the lower south states and voila, illegal immigration solved.

Psst...come here,closer, closer, America is one continent, (divided into two by some moron, it's for trade) Mexico still part of the North american continent.

I think the original was better

"Well, Bank of America stepped up and claimed ownership of the house and wants it back so now Robinson is out".

Just because your slow and lazy doesn't make the remote bad, SkylanderSavior is right.

It's because we din't like frog-speak in this 'Murican lands, we speak english like God intended it since manifest destiny, now go on, git, back to your snail and chesse eating land.

Stop it! or else.

30 minutes tops, also depends on how much you spray.

Cleans gunk from electrical contacts

Cleans gunk from electrical contacts

Cleans gunk from electrical contacts

That's true, but what i meant was that just by rubbing you they'll make you itch, no stinging biting or spraying necessary.

Are you talking about "huevos de codorniz", they are Quail eggs and that might be a good idea.

It's the ants butt that make you itchy not their bite, they secreet and oil that 99.9% of humans are allergic to, it's not unbearable just annoying, oh, and if they do bite don't scratch that just spreads the toxins around, like poison ivy.

I'll be fed and have a place to live where i don't have to pay for anything, i may even be selected for the breeding program...when is this ship coming by?