
WTF is a wearable?

Well Hayzeus Diaz is an avid Apple worshiper, to the point that he verbally assaulted Android users and got banned for it, yet, he wrote the article showing how Siri lost to Google search, found that very confusing.

Now, now, calm the fanboyism down.

I was for high res to download, they'd make excellent wallpapers.

Accepted, mainly for the large laugh it got out me.

We don't have dingos in NYC, the rats ate them all.

You mean that's not supposed to happen every time you pee?

I thought the lake was going to dry up by the time he finished putting on the gear.

But the world was only created 6000 years ago, so your "story" of the loch being 9000 years old doesn't hold water.

You never went to high school, all teenage girls have this power, some become scientist, some become goths, others become cheerleader captain and destroy the scientists while marginalizing the goths and ultimately rule the school.

Already had, thanks a lot for reminding me, now i have to call my therapist so i can forget again.

That was actually funny, made me chuckle.

You're facing the wrong way, way to mess up a good idea buddy, turn in your gear and report to your CO.

Do You Live Near a High Containment Biohazard Laboratory?

I'll handle her pole, *wink wink*,wait, what!!

That's what she said!

TL;DR, some programmer programmed it to stop counting after 300.

Lazy Americans need a screw top, too much effort to pry off the top, flabby arms and all.

Short answer: NO!, but it will sell like hotcakes.

That airbending gif is nice.