
I like the New Years Day special format because the story can be whatever they want to do. This episode was aces and brilliant as Jodie would say. Also, I hope they open season 12 with the New Years Day 2020 special and then go from there. Who’s with me???

Right, and just to drive my point home, Chibnall *isn’t* Davies, nor is he Moffat, nor anyone other than himself. I just don’t think there’s much to be gained from comparing how different showrunners have approached things, as there isn’t one right way to run things. The fact Moffat managed a near-perfect season out

I agree with the exception of season 9, which was bold and new and dark and exciting and heartbreaking and wondrous and just damn incredible.

Plus he keeps saying it over and over.

Chibnall has been ‘meh’, especially the episodes he’s written himself. I get that Moffat was too conceptual and it’s nice to have a stripped-down-to-basics season, but I feel like he has nothing to say that’s more complex than ‘what if the real monster was HUMANS!’.

I think that Chibnall’s a weak writer but a good showrunner. I like the Doctor, the companions and the more back-to-basics approach, but the episodes he wrote felt kind of like “My First Sci-Fi Script” episodes. The back half of the season, with the episodes penned by other writers, was much, much better. To me

as much as I really enjoyed Demons of the Punjab, I think It Takes You Away should be the standard they hold the scripts for next season up to. the first episode that felt like it was actually interested in exploring what Thirteen was capable of

I thought the three historical episodes were excellent. I’ve always been a sucker for the Quantum Leap-y aspects of Doctor Who. “Rosa” and “Demons of the Punjab,” in particular, were right up there for me with “Vincent and the Doctor.”

I wish I liked this season as a whole as much as I like Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor.

But that’s the thing... The Solitract and the Anti-Zone are plot devices to explore grief.

The Anti-Zone exists, plot wise for two purposes.

“But connecting peripherals is important and I don’t own/plan on buying bluetooth headphones or carrying around an extra dongle to use wired headphones.”

USB-C headphones?

The best camers, screen, software optimization in the phone game. This thing is getting rave reviews everywhere I look, even from the android haters. Im pretty much sold. Too bad I have to wait until february when Im back in the States as Google seems to not care much about selling their stuff in Poland.

Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.

Why do you think that Dr Who has anything at all to do with "science"? It has no more to do with science than Star Wars does. Pure fantasy, with the Doctor as the Head Wizard In Charge.

But she actually said, "Doctor, this planet needs you, so I'm making an executive decision. I'm keeping you alive." That was pretty much exactly her calculation.

At a guess, I'd say that the reliance on cameras is the monks minimizing their effect on the world… the old problem of the Observer and the Observed. Even the pyramid is just a shiny object, and only deployed at a critical point.

If she doesn't, who will be there the next time a world needs saving?

Speaking as a chemist, that researcher deserved what he got. A misplaced decimal potentially destroys the world? Pudding brains indeed.