
Once again illustrating how completely meaningless “Wallstreet” and “Stockmarket” measurements are.

and i’m tired of people pretending there isnt!

There’s something incredibly attractive about a tall woman who can lift you up by your throat

Nice to see a good news story, but also shows how much of a difference proper MH support and substance abuse treatment makes for people’s lives. Probably way cheaper than cycling them in and out of jail too.

This is a great story to start my day. Glad he is doing well and I hope he continues down this path.

Streisand effect in full force.

“What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed? Tell your wife that you need to play Xbox?”

Is it 1992 again already?

As a mid-30s guy who played a lot of games, specifically Animal Crossing and its built in sense of virtual community, during all of this to keep sane and in touch with friends and family, this NYT article can kindly fuck off. I’ll keep sussing my 8-year-old nieces and nephews in Among Us from afar on a weekly basis (be

I think it’s probably a mix of several things:

Now imagine every day more Americans die than in all the 9/11 attacks, and the President is worried about his locked Twitter account.

You think it’s bad now.

Love everyone’s rush to act responsibly 4 and a half years too late.

1) I look forward to revelations during the disclosures. Let’s see the email & comms threads. Let’s see how Powell was funded. Let’s see who was pulling her strings.

Good. Wring these corrupt fuckers dry.

I’m being told to take action on the matter”

I mean these are the people who will dig up everything a black man has ever done to try and justify his killing and yet the death a terrorist in the midst of committing terrorism is somehow unjustified.

These are the same people often spouting “comply or you die” and “play stupid games win stupid prizes”. Feels different when they’re on the other side of it. I saw the video...they’d broken a window on a door inside the building, and the woman who was killed was shot in the process of climbing through it. She wasn’t

PogChud whining about “cancel culture” in 3...2...1...