
Honestly, I can’t image the pressure that having to track potential abusers around the globe can put. It’s a thankless job, made worse by the fact that these people are doing it for free, and with next to no levers of pressure on the offending individuals, save for “don’t allow this guy to compete, plz”.

It’s a shame for all the decent human beings who play Melee for this shit to go down the way it has, but I can’t say I blame the panel for this decision.

I can’t dig that distinction.

Also okay to understand that not all “art” is “Art”. That not every piece of media entertainment has to be viewed and criticized under the same microscope.

So does Proud Boys.

Conspiracy to commit sedition and Trump is at the top of that pyramid of shit.

The last harumph.

The refraction of the vibranium increases repulsar ray effectiveness by 40%

Because it’s cool and as stated in the article,

That’s awesome!

A little presumptuous of them to assume the matchmaking is working and there are enough people still playing to get a lobby together to actually execute this...but awesome nonetheless.

For the record, I’m one of the few still playing, and I do love the game, despite its many faults. The Hawkeye DLC that j

I mostly agree, and of course this isn’t a review of anything. However, I do think an argument could be made that previous behaviour that affects customers is pertinent information?

I think it’s crucial to remember that here we’re specifically talking about people who were “fans” of a game they’d never played. Being a fan of something you’ve personally enjoyed is a very different territory (and can certainly lead some to go to odd places), but this wasn’t that.

Of course, the far bigger issue is that a loud proportion of Cyberpunk 2077 purchasers (and indeed any other big-name game) don’t want reviews at all. They want reassurance. They paid for this game nearly two years ago, for whatever illogical reason (“I’m supporting the massive multi-million dollar company!”),

Harriet A. Washington’s Medical Apartheid is a fascinating book that is also very difficult to read. Nothing to do with Washington’s writing, it’s the subject matter; chapter after chapter of horrors inflicted upon Black Americans in the name of science and medicine.

Kamala Khan has become a hugely successful addition to the Marvel lineup because she’s delightful. And relatable.

Stop the internet, Jordon Mears is “still not down”

What’s it like to live in such an angry little world?

Someone who has played those characters already and wants a new character to play.

Re: That Hoodie (That I want but in purple.)

When it comes to Marvel comics, the alter ego is almost always the more interesting part. That’s kinda the point. They’re people, who happen to have super powers, but they’re still people.