
So the thing about mocking flat earthers. I was watching a couple of clips from the web show “All Gas and No Brakes”, where the host goes into all sorts of esoteric groups and interviews the members.

I’m old enough. He was a scumbag surrounded by scumbags And you don’t want to *not* read about politics here, you just don’t want politics that don’t hew to the St Ronnie line.

Lmfao. Just because Reagan's presidency didn't negatively effect you doesn't change the fact that he's probably the worst, most disgraceful president we've ever had

Step 1: The rich people get the money.

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

From the word go, Call of Duty was always the slightly creepier, more jingoistic take on ‘historic’ AAA shooters. Early on, it was likely just a way to distinguish itself from Medal of Honor’s more Spielbergian approach to identical subject matter. But as time’s gone on and Call of Duty delved into more contemporary

Any time you hear about something incredibly corrupt destroying American lives, turns out Reagan helped it get there. 


I have this incredible adoration for Michael J. Fox. When I was in my teens and early 20's, I fell in love with his performance in you-know-which-movies, so much that I actually used to love his barely-passable comedies like Secret of My Success and For Love or Money (hell, I still love The Frighteners, but it’s

MJF has nothing to prove to anyone. He did his thing like a boss and that’s how he’ll be remembered.

Someone has to bite the bullet and be a first adopter or else nothing will ever sell. If you have the means to deal with it, go for it.

Life Pro Tip: Don’t buy the first version of a new product, especially electronics. Problems with crashing and unfortunately bricking are very common across many devices when they first launch.

probably has something to do with folks regularly going out and picking up trash.

not only that but he actually seems pretty chill about it, he doesn’t care that his movie isn’t the biggest financial success anymore because it’s irrelevant to his art. he loves making animations rather than watching them which is interestingly a common trait among artists. they would rather spend their time making

For real. To everyone thinking “oh, he seems grumpy” or “I bet he’s fun at parties,” how would you like it if your day was interrupted by an unsolicited, unwelcome interview about something you know nothing about?

For fucks sake just leave the man alone when he’s taking out the trash.

Kiryu does tend to though I won’t pretend that it doesn’t come off as a problem within the game itself.  The problem is that all the trans characters Kiryu runs into are also thugs in their own right (which to be fair is most of the people Kiryu runs into) but Kiryu himself does acknowledge trans people as women (even

I would find it out of character if he talked that much lol

I was on Jeopardy in 2012. I was sporting a modestly impressive jewfro at the time. During the breaks, he likes to tunelessly sing to himself. As he was taking pictures with all of us, he sang “here’s a guy with my hair from the ‘70s” to himself as he approached me.

It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.