If you were someone who cared wouldn’t you want to know it was faked? I don’t get the anger here.
If you were someone who cared wouldn’t you want to know it was faked? I don’t get the anger here.
There’s a similar sidequest (err...substory, sorry) in Yakuza 3!
The problem with the premise here is that the legacy of these characters and their original, impactful portrayals have already been “sullied” and cheapened for decades by the machinations of capitalism and merchandising long before MK got enough cache to have them adapted as guest characters. It’s just another drop in…
The tragedy is that he didn’t get to live to learn the important lesson here.
But gay people can’t exist much less marry because Jesus. Lying lecherous Hypocrites.
I don’t want her in the room with that ghoul or anyone from that fucking administration. These are the most vile and disgusting people that have ever been allowed to stink up any sector of politics. The White House needs to be fumigated when this is all over. First the desks are too close, then this fucking Ken Doll…
It is generally highly reviewed by other people on places like BoardGameGeek. Sorry you didn’t like it I guess, but many people do enjoy it so saying “stay away” is a bad take.
You know, at this particular juncture in history, I’m okay with them over-enforcing a little bit lol
“A video game fan site based on an in-game faction of the same name. It makes no sense, especially when there are real life militia groups still up and running on Facebook.”
Some reasons not to celebrate:
Oh for fuck’s sake with the pearl clutching.
Now that I’ve slept on this, I have mixed feelings. Overall, I’m doing the schadenfreudiest dance I’ve ever fucking done, but I have some thoughts.
Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.
they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.
So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.
And (god hoping) he…
Don’t you have better things to do, Vice President Pence?
pictured: celebrity victims of “cancel culture”
It’s extraordinary to hear I know but having glimpsed at the comment histories of some of those here doing the whole “be polite to those you disagree with” and “Rowling isn’t transphobic” there seems to this amazing overlap of that and comments about how The Root hates white people...
Thanks, I hate it.
Any protests of Trump from now till the election should include numerous signs saying “Will You Shut Up, Man” And “Clown”.
Keeping in mind that arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias out there, I do have to admit that I find myself saddened every time I see people speak out against spiders. I love spiders. Spiders are amazing. Most species of spider aren’t actually harmful to humans. In fact, they’re generally quite helpful…