
They should schedule their employees in advance to meet their customers’ needs. If they need/decide to make a schedule change at the last minute, employees who are affected by that change deserve to be compensated for having to drop their own plans, interrupt their own schedules, to accommodate. Workers in low-wage,


It’s not complicated at all. In the aggregate, Americans are craven fucking morons who don’t know what’s best for them, and so have elected other craven fucking morons to make decisions about their well-being at every level of government. Those empowered craven fucking morons are now behaving on an instinctual level

He also has bluntly and recently stated that he doesn’t give a shit about comic book movies anyway, so like, why give him one?

I’m starting to long for those days when we were naive enough to think Jeb! would be the Republican frontrunner. If only it had been true. We’re sorry, baby! Please come back!

He did indeed. And Trump advocated targeted assassinations of suspected terrorists’ families. They are both terrible.

We need to work on better demonstrating how liberal economic policies can be beneficial to those people, and possibly revamping some of those policies to be more beneficial for them. However, we should not “tone down” the moral arguments. If they want economic stability, they can come to the party that offers it. If

Don’t get me wrong; I recognize the slippery slope, and I don’t mean to sound paranoid, but this guy is LITERALLY a Nazi, and his kind are gaining more and more clout every day. When the fascists have all the power, are we still going to be chatting on the internet about how assault is illegal and rude?

Hating fascists is not radical, nor is it liberal. It’s about as moderate as you can get.

Glad to see the developers are finally accurately representing the lore.

I was visiting one of my elderly in-laws in the hospital one day, and he wouldn’t shut up about how much he hated unions. His reasoning: The workers already have management looking out for them. What do they need a union for!?

Since these assholes think you should find a new job... Ashley Feinberg for President 2020? You could run on a “travel back in time to help the Nazis finish the job” third party platform and really spoil the election for the right, apparently.

The electoral college. Again.

I agree that there should be a peaceful transfer of power, but only once all other legal options are expended. Many members of the electoral college are not bound by law to vote with their state, even though it would be against precedent. I say give it a shot.

This. Also, IRV.

It’s definitely fair to say a lot of them would have abstained rather than vote for either Trump or Clinton, but if a Jill Stein voter had to choose one, based on policy, I think they would choose Clinton a substantial majority of the time.

Please don’t make up facts. Look at the numbers.

Oh, they can and they will. It will be up to the American people to see through the bullshit. And clearly, the American people can’t identify bullshit even when its televised to them 24/7 for a straight year.