Again* We’ll have two Caps again.
Again* We’ll have two Caps again.
David Bowie became an immortal today. Although he has left his body he will live forever in the hearts and on the lips of old men and angsty highschool students from now, until music ceases to function as art.
Slightly Gigerish....
Soooo, like most of my other posts, here comes the preface.... Thoughts are cool because unlike beliefs they can change pretty easily. I’m going to share some thoughts now. I’m a prior service NCO from the Dubya invasion era Army. It was there I learned, no matter how you slice it, there are only two types of people…
Do you think the pink and purple costume will protect him from being retconned into a female?
Just posted something similar. Happy Veterans Day.
This... Is the dumbest weapon in the history of fiction. That compensator is useless and cannot function. Mer!
Mika, I kind of just fell completely in love with you.
Are they dead? They look dead. I do not squee for dead babies. Weirdo.
Did I miss coverage of 43 and 44? what is up with Batgod? You should all know by now I refuse to spend money on DC, I NEED my spoilers :-(
You erased all the good things about dog ownership. I am going to pout.
TL;DR the answer is tongue tenticles.
I usually don’t blink when I click “Show Pending”, but for this article I had to think about it for a second.
What no love for Astrotrain?
Yeah, Big Boa did a number on my sexuality....
You know, once Ashoka turns to the Dark Side, I think she’ll be pretty cool. Think journey of the villain.
I origianlly thought she had torn her pants.
No, but it does make me love you.
NO! because all of us slightly intelligent, handsom, caring men already have boyfriends...
Ad Block Plus dude. ABP.