
ahh, she’s Dreamcast! :D

RIP Miyu Matsuki (the voice of Anna)

The game isn’t PvP only, there are ‘Terrorist Hunt’ missions which are PvE.

Yeah, the lack of teamplay with most randoms really robs the game of it’s golden egg, the options for tactical gameplay. Still having fun and glad to be playing a Rainbow 6 game again.

Ok, I’ve never been the biggest fan of rhythm games but that looks like a lot of fun. And having game/anime tracks is all the better. A shame I won’t get to try it myself anytime soon.

Is it just me that thinks the ‘lets’s solve the mystery’ sequence in Beautiful Bones is dying to be spoofed as a magical girl transformation? Which would be made all the better by Sakurako’s personality.

I got sidetracked and never got to Diamond City before I reached level 17. So whilst Swan was a pleasant surprise, he barely slowed me down. I guess forgetting the main storyline for a bit has it’s advantages haha

A real sense of déjà vu when I think about how much better it could have been with more episodes (yep, looking at you too back there Angel Beats). Still enjoyed it though, even if I can’t shake the thought of what could have been.

She looks awesome.

Gotta give this a go... But I’ll probably be screwed due to not being able to read anything haha

Loved the show with fingers crossed for more. I liked the way the NPCs of the tomb became sentient when the world transition occurred.

And here I am with my Windows phone... :(

From what a friend and I have looked at, the stats on the paid skins didn’t seem particularly good as weapons function well enough as-is. If it was a PvP game the backlash would appear more reasonable, but it’s not. It all just looks like an over reaction from where I’m sat.

I enjoyed this anime a lot, but yes... the flaws, I can only imagine what it would have been like if the production issues didn’t half the number of episodes.