Grimace is a Butt Plug

Streaming will forever be something I just do not get. Like are these dbags hate/rage-watching women stream? Each passing day also moves me more into the “internet was a mistake” camp.

You’re mad because the protagonist in this game is not black and the white dude you were forced to play as doesn’t have 21st century wokeness?

Splitting this into multiple games is some wacky new-era Square Enix bullshit and they have REALLY lost their way.

What’s wrong with you? How can you possibly take a statement like “we’re trying to have it release as soon as we can” cynically?

Elon, Legend!  

Somebody get his neighbor on the phone and get him a plane ticket to DC.


Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something. 

I paid to revisit the universe with the characters I love. I didn’t need a 1 to 1 recreation, so you’re speaking for yourself. In fact, the uncertainty makes this more of a sequel which is even BETTER than just going through the exact same motions as the original.

Speak for yourself lol. OG player here and I’m excited about the possibility for changes and what that could mean. If they give us the same characters, the same world, and mostly the same plot- like they have done but they just throw a monkey wrench into it, then they have given what was promised by Nomura when he

It’s called a REMAKE, not a REMASTER, the original is right over there buddy. Right from the beginning it was clear things where going to be different. If that frightens and insults you then I’m afraid the world is just going to continue to disappoint you. You cant EVER go back to the way things were, time marches on

Battle’s over; they lost. “The Unknown Journey Will Continue.” Some of it will look the same (maybe we can’t completely fight Fate!) but we’re in new territory now. The game’s out. It’s done and folks will need to adjust to the reality of it.

I think the cynic in me, the part that worries deeply about remakes and

No, -we- didn't.  Maybe that's what you paid for.  But I paid for a game with engaging combat, compelling storylines, endearing characters, and maybe just a splash of nostalgia.  I just wanted a good game.  And that's exactly what I got.

Ming Na Wen, the Actress who played Chun Li in the movie (and in the game tie-in) is 56 and doesnt look nearly as old as the twitter drawing.

Is there any way to test for CTE in a living former NFL Players? Good lord. I trust no black person that willingly goes on Fox News. This means you Cornel West, Jason Whitlock and Stephen A. Smith. The sunken place is indeed real. I never argue with someone that Harriet would’ve left behind or shot.

Im just so tired of gamer outrage, that i just dont care anymore. Even though i wanted this, and now dont. Game companys gonna screw people over. Either buy in and risk it, or dont. 

3. We seek out single player games, because if somebody is gonna ruin the night with Toxicity, it’s gonna be me.  

Cardi B, noted drugger of people, violent attacker of women, transphobe, and also ... noted recipient of dozens of fawning articles on Jezebel, which mention none of those things.  What is it about Cardi B that seems to keep her from being "cancelled"?

A lot of cosplay nowadays seems like it’s just filling the void from the lack of booth girls