Why deal with Russians when it’s so much easier just to steal millions from the taxpayers and state of Rhode Island?
Why deal with Russians when it’s so much easier just to steal millions from the taxpayers and state of Rhode Island?
Yeah, no. She would immediately be labeled a slut by fellow women. Guys would be wondering if she’s single and free on Saturday night.
The guys are piles of shit, but some of the female streamers are just as bad, but in a different way. If you ever get a chance to hang out with one in real life (which is surprisingly easy) you’ll see that can they have this weird stripper-ish financial domination thing going on. One I know talks about how tiring it…
Pointing out hypocrisy, then expecting the right to feel guilty about it, is what the left is consistent on. Also they are consistent on doing nothing after the right does nothing about their own hypocrisy. “We go high when they go low” they chant, as they lie on the ground bloody, beaten, and near-death.
Yet another reason to stop watching the NFL.
I’m about halfway into the 2nd season. 1st season is 10 episodes long, and got interesting for me at episode 9.
Thanks Hannibal Buress.
Congratulations! Whenever I’ve cooked, I sometimes noticed that my pans were very comely, but I was never brave enough to have sex with them. You go girl!
This is cool. Someone having fun at these competitions rather than overly drilled cave dwellers who have forgotten how to smile.
Comments on this article are going to be so tasty.
Sooo...does this mean we’ll be getting some new Rage Against the Machine songs soon?
Easy: If you have a shit-ton of military gear, you will always be looking for excuses to use the shit-ton of military gear.
It actually works pretty well in real life. When you’re online, it’s less effective, but it still works if you get the chance to actually talk to the person rather than just being a faceless adversary that they will likely never see again.
I like how this project follows that same War on Terror logic.
So they are taking an episode of South Park and making it real life. Cool.
Jason Terry, formerly of the Mavericks, came in to the Best Buy I used to work at and filled up 3 shopping carts with stuff. I think there were 4 or 5 Macbooks in there, at least. All of the managers were near-orgasm by the time he left. His card was not declined.
Wait, are you actually expecting her to know something about the character she is cosplaying? I thought that besides knowing the name, nothing else was required. Whatever gets the nerd boners going and their wallets opening.
Alternative idea: If you make enough to afford a $70k+ Luxury EV, you should be smart enough to know that on airplanes, autopilot does not mean there is no longer a need for an actual pilot. Additionally, you should be able to comprehend warnings that tell you not to do exactly what this guy did to get himself killed.